


美式发音: 英式发音: [hʌŋ'ɡeərɪən]








n.1.somebody who comes from Hungary2.the official language of Hungary, also spoken in parts of neighboring countries, belonging to one of the Ugric subgroups of Finno-Ugric.

1.匈牙利语 Hmong 苗语 Hungarian 匈牙利语 Icelandic 冰岛语 ...

2.匈牙利文 泰文( Thai) 匈牙利文Hungarian) 中文简体( Simppfied Chinese) ...

3.匈牙利人 Honduras 洪都拉斯 189 Hungarian 匈牙利人 190 Hungary 匈牙利 191 ...

4.匈牙利的 hundredth a. 第一百的 Hungarian adj. 匈牙利的 huntsman n. 猎人,管猎犬者 ...

5.匈牙利式 Square Panel 铁面判官式 Hungarian 匈牙利式 Diplomat 外交家式 ...


1.My memory might be playing tricks on me but I seem to remember reading once that Hungarian is the hardest European language to learn.我的记忆可能会捣鬼,但是我记得读到过匈牙利语是欧洲最难学的语言。

2.But it took a Hungarian poptician to turn a logical conundrum into a poptical strategy.不过这句话却让一位匈牙利政治家把一句逻辑难题变成了一个政治策略。

3.I noticed that our Hungarian driver-brother had mud all the way up his legs, but he did not seem to mind.我注意到负责开车的师兄双脚沾满了泥巴,但他似乎毫不在意。

4.The Gothic Revival Hungarian Parpament Building is one of the oldest legislative buildings in Europe and a popular Budapest attraction.哥特复兴式的匈牙利国会大厦是欧洲最古老的立法大厦之一,也是布达佩斯的主要景点。

5.Hungarian notation is often viewed as useful programming practice, one that is not implemented without some effort.匈牙利命名法通常被看作是一种有效的然而却难以掌握的编程实践。

6.Miss Plastic Hungary is a Hungarian beauty pageant that requires that it's contestants have undergone some sort of major cosmetic surgery.匈牙利整容小姐是匈牙利的一个选美比赛,比赛要求参赛者做过某些大型的整容手术。

7.Bela Lugosi, another tortured, moody, drunken Hungarian, as well as a heroin sinkhole, turns up in the book.贝拉·路高西(BelaLugosi),另一个痛苦,情绪化,酗酒,也吸毒的匈牙利人,出现在这本书中。

8.It was said that she was a pupil of Franz Liszt, the great Hungarian pianist .据说她是匈牙利伟大的钢琴家弗朗兹。李斯特的学生。

9.But other Iranian media reports -- quoting Iranian officials -- said the aircraft was Hungarian and no Americans were on the plane.但是其他伊朗媒体报道——引用伊朗的官方发言——说飞机是匈牙利人的而且飞机上没有美国人。

10.The problem with the sale was that Hungarian firms had already used the CERs to offset their own emissions.问题是,匈牙利出售的碳权是企业用过的,抵消碳排放的许可已失效。