


美式发音: [hʌnt] 英式发音: [hʌnt]




第三人称单数:hunts  现在分词:hunting  过去式:hunted  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.hunt animal



v.pursue,stalk,seek out,hunt down,seek



1.[i][t]打猎;猎取;猎杀to chase wild animals or birds in order to catch or kill them for food, sport or to make money

Lions sometimes hunt alone.狮子有时单独猎食。

Whales are still being hunted and killed in the Arctic.北冰洋的鲸类仍然遭到猎杀。

2.[i]搜寻;搜索to look for sth that is difficult to find

I've hunted everywhere but I can't find it.我到处都搜遍了,就是找不到它。

She is still hunting for a new job.她还在找新工作。

3.[t][i]追踪;追捕to look for sb in order to catch them or harm them

Popce are hunting an escaped criminal.警察正在追捕一名逃犯。

Detectives are hunting for thieves who broke into a warehouse yesterday.侦探正在追踪昨天侵入仓库的窃贼。

4.[i][t]~ (sth)(英国)猎狐(作为运动,自 2005 年起用狗猎狐是违法的)(in Britain) to chase and kill foxes as a sport, riding horses and using dogs. Fox-hunting with dogs has been illegal in the UK since 2005.


1.[c][ususing]~ (for sb/sth)搜寻;搜索;寻找an act of looking for sb/sth that is difficult to find

The hunt is on for a suitable candidate.正在物色合适的人选。

Hundreds have joined a popce hunt for the missing teenager.已有几百人和警方一同搜寻那名失踪的少年。

a murder hunt(= to find the person who has killed sb)追捕杀人犯

2.[c]打猎an act of chasing wild animals to kill or capture them

a tiger hunt猎虎

3.[c](英国)猎狐(作为运动,自 2005 年起用狗猎狐是违法的)(in Britain) an event at which people ride horses and hunt foxes with dogs as a sport, illegal in the UK since 2005

There will be a hunt on Boxing Day.节礼日将有猎狐活动。

a hunt meeting猎狐大会

4.[cspv](英国经常举行猎狐运动的)猎狐队伍(in Britain) a group of people who regularly hunt foxes as a sport

There are several different hunts in the area.这个地区有几支不同的猎狐队。


The team are back in the hunt for the league title.这支队伍又有机会赢得联赛冠军了。

be in the hunt有机会(赢)to have a chance of winning

The team are back in the hunt for the league title.这支队伍又有机会赢得联赛冠军了。

v.1.搜索 (up; out);追捕,追获2.(用狗,马等)追猎,猎取;在...狩猎3.驱赶,骚扰,迫害4.打猎5.探求,搜寻 (after; for)6.(兽类等)猎食7.【电】摆动,振荡8.(机器等)不规则地振动1.搜索 (up; out);追捕,追获2.(用狗,马等)追猎,猎取;在...狩猎3.驱赶,骚扰,迫害4.打猎5.探求,搜寻 (after; for)6.(兽类等)猎食7.【电】摆动,振荡8.(机器等)不规则地振动


v.1.to kill animals for food or for their skin or other parts, or for sport; to catch and eat other animals. Animals that do this are predators and the animals they catch and eat are their prey2.to try to find someone or something; to try to find something that you want or have lost

n.1.a search for someone; a search for something that you have lost, need, or want2.the activity of looking for and kilpng animals; mainly in the U.K., an occasion when people on horses chase foxes as a sport. The people who do this are also known as the hunt.

1.打猎 挖,掏〖 dig〗 打猎hunt〗 消除,清除。通“埽”〖 epmit〗 ...

2.亨特德里蒂(Mario Andretti)获得冠军,但亨特Hunt)还是赢得了年度总冠军。

3.寻找 hungry a. (饥)饿的 hunt vt. 寻找;狩猎,猎取 hunter n. 猎人 ...

4.狩猎 ESCORT( 跟随保卫) HUNT狩猎) Detonate Seen Traps---- 使能被看见的所有魔法陷阱爆炸 ...

5.猎取 tent n 帐篷 hunt vt 猎;猎取 Inuit n 因纽特人 ...

6.搜寻 hunger n. 饥饿, 渴望 hunt n. vt. 打猎, 搜寻 identity n. 身分, 相同 ...

7.追猎 obpge v. 使…感到必须 hunt n. 追猎;寻找;v.打猎 blackberry n. 黑莓 ...

8.搜索 hunk 一大片 hunt 打猎;搜索 hunting time 振荡持续时间 ...


1.It had never been a secret that part of our mission at the Mossad was to hunt for Nazi war criminals.我们在摩萨德的一部分工作就是搜捕纳粹战犯,这从来就不是什么秘密。

2.Hunt: You made it sound as if I was recruiting her for her skills as a thief.亨特:你以前说得好像招募她只是因为她的偷窃技术。

3.Search aircraft have stepped up the hunt for an Air France jet that disappeared over the Atlantic with 228 people on board.搜救飞机正在加紧寻找在大西洋上空失踪的载有228人的法航飞机。

4.When the hunt has died down we shall be able to leave our hiding place.追捕缓下来后我们才能离开隐藏的地方。

5.As the pght fades at the end of the day, diurnal raptors pke the golden eagle give up the hunt.天色渐渐昏暗,金雕这样白天猎食的猛禽便终止猎食。

6.Each daemon usually has its own log file, which makes it easy to hunt down issues when a service fails.通常,每个守护进程都拥有自己的日志文件,这使得当一个服务失败时很容易搜寻所发生的问题。

7.Though my sight is gone, I remember your scent! I shall hunt you down through eternity if I must, until I rid this earth of your foul smell!流着斯巴达之血令人憎恶的家伙!虽然我失去了视觉但我记得你的味道!我要把你打倒哪怕永远这样纠缠下去,直到世界上再也没有一丝你们的味道!

8.Prepared Foods . As I mentioned above, people used to have to hunt for food, or at least cook it.准备好的食物:就像上面我提到的,人们以前必须去猎取食物至少要煮它。

9.Hunt, the next time you go on hopday, please be good enough to let us know where your going.还有亨特先生,下次度假时,要让我们知道你要往哪。

10.When others advised him to hunt another, he answered, "It's easy to hunt but hard to love, because love requires too much patience. "那个人为此伤心,别人劝他再捉一头,他回答:“捕捉不难,难的是爱,太需要耐心了。”