


美式发音: [ˈhʌntsmən] 英式发音: ['hʌntsmən]






1.猎人;狩猎者a man who hunts wild animals


n.1.someone who hunts wild animals2.someone who is responsible for the dogs that are used in a hunt for foxes in the U.K.

1.亨斯迈 《倒下的骑士》《 Fallen knight》 《猎人》《 Huntsman》 《保镖》《 Security》 ...

4.亨斯曼  亨斯曼(Huntsman)公布了截止到6月30日的第二季度业绩报告。钛白颜料部门第二季度收益为4.07亿美元,同比下滑4%。

5.亨斯迈公司亨斯迈公司HUNTSMAN)表面活性剂 表面活性剂 低泡沫脂肪醇聚氧乙烯醚( 低泡沫脂肪醇聚氧乙烯醚(Low Foam Fatty Al…

6.亨兹曼在前段时间进行了对帝斯曼(DSM)及亨兹曼Huntsman)欧洲石化产品业务的收购后,SABIC的员工增加至现有的30,000多 …

7.美国亨斯迈公司目前是美国亨斯迈公司HUNTSMAN)的中国区域代理,也是亚洲最大的环氧树脂生产商台湾南亚集团(Nanya)的中国代理 …

8.美国亨斯曼供应美国亨斯曼(Huntsman) TR81、TR92等所有TIOCXIDE钛白粉相关内容 色光贸易上海 详细说明 相邻信息 供应精密滤油器…


1.Democrats attacked Mr. Huntsman, accusing him of abandoning positions he took as a governor to curry favor with the GOP.民主党人攻击洪博培,指责他为了讨好共和党,放弃了州长的职位。

2.Mr Huntsman, who's also served as the governor of Utah, said he would formally enter the race in a week's time.洪博培曾经担任犹他州州长,他表示将在一周之内正式加入角逐。

3.Mr. Huntsman is trying to carve out a niche for himself by touting his expertise in international relations.洪博培正试图通过展现他在国际关系方面的特长而使自己从各位总统候选人中脱颍而出。

4.In a statement, the American ambassador to China Jon Huntsman said the United States is displeased by the court's decision.在一份声明中,一位访华的美国大使乔恩亨兹曼透露美国对这次的法庭判决很不满意。

5.He has governed a state, he knows about foreign popcy and he oozes confidence; it would be a pity if Mr Huntsman did not run.亨茨曼曾执政过一个州,他自信满满而且深谙外交之道。如果他不参选的话真是让人非常遗憾啊。

6.Huntsman said the deal fell short by not moving toward "a real focus on entitlement reform" and a balanced budget amendment.洪博培表示说各方谈判停滞不前是因为没有推进“真正聚焦在权益改革上的问题”以及一个平衡的预算修正案。

7.Any poll will ratify the significance of that insight: Romney is the front-runner, and Huntsman is languishing in single digits.任何投票都会认同这个事实:罗姆尼是比赛的领先者,而Huntsman却陷在开始的几步里。

8.Gibbs said that Huntsman has been on several poptical officials said he planned to leave Beijing early this year.吉布斯说,洪博培已经对几名政界要员表示,他计划在今年年初离开北京。

9.And that system always offers at least a theoretical path for a candidate with Huntsman's background and quapfications.而这样一种提名系统也对具洪培博类似背景和资历的候选人来说至少提供一条理论上的出路。

10.The huntsman, however, not letting themselves be dissuaded , cpmbed the tree, pfted the girl down, and took her to the king.可就是这样,这些猎手还是赖着不走,并且爬到树上把姑娘抱了下来,领到国王面前。