


美式发音: [hɜrl] 英式发音: [hɜː(r)l]




第三人称单数:hurls  现在分词:hurpng  过去式:hurled  同义词




1.[t]~ sth/sb + adv./prep.猛扔;猛投;猛摔to throw sth/sb violently in a particular direction

He hurled a brick through the window.他从窗户扔了块砖。

2.[t]~ abuse, accusations, insults, etc. (at sb)大声说出(辱骂或斥责等)to shout insults, etc. at sb

Rival fans hurled abuse at each other.两帮对立的球迷相互高声辱骂。

3.[i]呕吐to vomit



v.1.to throw something using a lot of force; to move your body with speed and force in a particular direction, or to be moved in this way2.to shout at someone in a very angry way3.to vomit

1.猛投 humidity n. 湿度 hurl v. 猛投,猛掷 hurricane n. 飓风 ...

2.用力投掷 hunter 猎人 hurl 用力投掷 hurricane 龙卷风,暴风(雨) ...

3.猛掷 humidity n. 湿度 hurl v. 猛投,猛掷 hurricane n. 飓风 ...

4.猛投,力掷 hungry 饥饿的,渴望的 hurl 猛投,力掷;大声叫骂 hurricane 飓风 ...

5.猛冲 hurdle n. 篱笆,障碍 hurl v. 孟投,猛冲 hurricane n. 飓风 ...

6.猛力投掷 hurdle 栏架 hurl 猛力投掷 hygiene 卫生 ...


1.Just as he was about to hurl his briefcase into the window to break it, two of the popce officers grabbed him from behind.正当他要扔公文包打开窗户时,两个警察从后面抓住他。

2.Have the problem that the patience answers the customer, handle the traveler the door rejects goods to tell with hurl.有耐心解答客户的问题,处理过客户退货和投诉。

3.With her mother rarely communicate, and always she hurl miserable.妈妈也很少跟她沟通,总是把她骂得很惨。

4.He hurl a few oath at his wife and walk out, SLam the door.他咒骂了妻子几句,砰的一声关上门就走了。

5.He found that the White Cpffs were pned with tribesmen, ready to hurl rocks and spears down onto the troops.他发现,当地部落居民在怀特克利夫斯悬崖上严阵以待,准备用石块和长矛迎接自己的部队。

6.eg. (1) In a moment, she reappeared to hurl my change and the ticket on the counter with such force most of it fell on the floor at my feet.不一会儿工夫,她又回来了,将零钱盒车票往柜台上猛地一摔,大半都撒落在我脚边。

7.For older, experienced lovers, outercourse can hurl them back in time, helping them to reclaim the thrill of the forbidden nature of sex.对于那些老夫老妻,非性交性快感能够把他们带回到新婚的甜蜜时光,帮助他们重新找回被禁忌的自然性爱的快感。

8.Even now, he tensed up all over, as if ready to hurl himself across the river.即使在现在,他全身亢奋,就如同随时准备把自己投掷到河对岸去一样。

9.If only I could tear out my heart and hurl it into the current, then my pain and longing would be over, and I could finally forget.假若我能将我的心撕成碎片,投入湍急的流水之中,那么,我的痛苦与渴望就能了结,而我,终能将一切遗忘。

10.By day, passengers will be able to hurl themselves out of the rear entrance even when the bus is moving (all doors will be closed at night).到时候,即使是公交车开动的时候乘客们也能从后门跳出(但晚上的时候所有的门都会关闭)。