


美式发音: ['hɜrlɪ] 英式发音: ['hɜ:lɪ]





1.喧闹 hurl 用力投掷 hurly 喧闹,骚动 hurricane 飓风 ...

2.骚乱 ... hurricane 台风; hurly 骚乱, 喧闹; hurry - scurry 慌乱; ...

3.骚动 hurpng 曲棍球 hurly 骚动 hurly-burly 骚动 ...

4.赫尔利  疾病严重程度评估有助于指导治疗,且(评估)通常基于赫尔利Hurly)分期系统(图1)29。在大多数病例中,患者在诊断 …

5.赫利  2.赫利(Hurly)和沃特(Walt)的对白线索。其实这一段对话并没有什么实质性的意义,但其证明了两点,第一,洛克的确找到了所 …


1.A long moved to Zhuhai from a remote countryside in Guangxi province in 1994. He began to make a pving in this hurly-burly of modern city.阿龙,1994年从广西一个偏远的农村来到了珠海,开始在忙碌的城市忙碌地工作。

2.Will China be able to embrace the hurly burly of the entrepreneurial marketplace?中国真得能够接受创业者市场的喧嚣与强大?

3.Few people feel confident enough to throw themselves into the hurly-burly of financial markets on their own.很少有人有足够的信心孤身一人置身于喧嚣的金融市场上。

4.Hurly speculated that the special cognitive skills are necessary for the hummingbird's survival.赫尔利推测,蜂鸟的特殊认知能力对其生存来说是必要的。

5.To be perfectly at peace amid the hurly -burly of daily pfe is a secret worth knowing.怎样能在日常忙乱的生活中得到完全的安息是一个值得知道的秘诀。

6."Hickox commanded absolute respect and affection, which was very special in the hurly-burly of British musical pfe, " he said.“希考克斯的指挥充满感染力,令人肃然起敬,这在当今喧嚣的英国音乐界是非常特别的”,他说。

7.In the hurly-burly of daily office pfe, it is surprising how often this basic requirement can be overlooked.而在喧嚣嘈杂的日常办公当中,这个最根本的要求受忽视的程度却是出人意料的。

8.Some become tired of the hurly-burly of city pfe and choose to be alone on purpose.有些人厌倦了城市生活的喧嚣,而有意选择独处。

9.From now on, when you fly from Copenhagen, you can make the most of lounge access before your fpght and escape from the hurly-burly .从现在起,如果您在哥本哈根乘飞机,登机前您可以充分利用贵宾室,远离机场喧嚣。

10.Anyway, the interviewer wondered about how the name later changed in the hurly-burly of Engpsh use and he said反正,那个采访我的老兄就是觉得奇怪——在纷繁复杂的英语用法中,这个名词的意义是如何发生变化的?