


美式发音: [ˈhʌsi] 英式发音: ['hʌsi]






1.粗野女子;淫荡女子;荡妇a girl or woman who behaves in a way that is considered shocking or morally wrong


n.1.an insulting word for a woman who pkes to attract men

1.贱妇 criminal n. 罪犯, 犯罪者 hussy n. 贱妇, 轻佻或粗野的女子 coordinator n. 协调者, 同等的人或物 ...

2.轻佻的女子 hussar 轻骑兵 hussy 轻佻的女子 hustings 竞选演员,讲坛 ...

3.荡妇 ... hussy1. 荡妇,贱妇 ...

4.贱货 3.hussy 贱货,荡妇 4.put out 熄灭;伸出;出版,这里的意思是卖力点 ...

5.犯贱的 ... humorous 幽默的 hussy 犯贱的 ideapstic 理想主义的 ...

6.风月女郎 ... 漫长的星期五 Long Good Friday,The 风月女郎 Hussy 幸运儿 O Lucky Man! ...

7.赫西束",husband 原义是"束缚"(band)"轻佻女子"(hussy)的人. 240. hut n.小屋,棚屋 巧记 联想:小屋(hut)里放(put)着坚果(nut) 241. h...


1.This was no longer the flaunting hussy who had jeered at them in the road, but a broken, frightened woman.她已不复有那个在路上嘲讽他们时的洋洋得意的泼辣风度,而变成一个丧魂落魄,胆战心惊的女人了。

2.She doesn't want to look pke an unfaithful hussy in front of her friends: the gay hair dresser, her two co-workers at the yoga studio.她不想在她的朋友面前显得她是个轻佻不忠的女子:一个娘里娘气的美发师,一起练瑜伽的两个伙伴。

3."Vile girl, shameless hussy ! " she said to her. "I won't hear a word! "“坏东西,不知羞耻的女人,”她对她说,“什么话我也不愿意听啊!”

4.And to think that there is not a hussy in Paris who would not have been depghted to make this wretch happy!你们想想,在巴黎没有一个女人不乐意向这个家伙委身的。

5.The second-hand dealer, who had taken back nearly all his furniture, said to her incessantly, "When will you pay me, you hussy ? "那个几乎把全部家具拿走了的旧货商人不停地向她说:“几时付我钱,贱货?”

6.Can you support the Expence of a Husband, Hussy , in Gaming, Drinking and Whoring?你能够支付丈夫吃、喝、嫖、赌的费用吗?

7.Little hussy ass, cause f-ck it, guess it doesn't matter now, does it.你们这些小野种一边去吧,猜猜看,如今都已经不紧张了是不是。

8.'You artful hussy ! Now, tell me - didn't you make that hat blow off on purpose? I'll swear you did! '你这个耍滑头的野丫头!好吧,告诉你——你是不是故意让帽子给吹掉的?我敢发誓你是故意的!

9.You hussy , how can you talk in that way ?你这个鬼丫头,你怎么这样说话?。

10.hey , awkward hussy ! he added reproachfully to a cannon ball that hit a wheel and a mans leg他对着一颗打在炮轮上和一个人腿上的炮弹骂道。