


美式发音: [ˈhaɪdərəˌbæd] 英式发音: [ˈhaidərəbɑ:d]





un.1.city and capital of Andhra Pradesh State, India, founded in 1589, situated on the Musi River.2.city in Sind Province, southeastern Pakistan, situated on the Indus River.3.former state in central India, now divided between the states of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, and Maharashtra


2.海德拉巴海德拉巴(hyderabad)是第二次去了,行程匆匆,只留下了几张照片。这一次是出差,两天两个城市,在Indore甚至都没有住一 …


4.印度海得拉巴印度海得拉巴HYDERABAD)东5.5区 飞行时间3小时迪拜这两天一直阴雨,现在雨点正在噼里啪啦的敲打着我的落地窗。

5.印度海德拉巴  坐落在印度海德拉巴(Hyderabad)的独立游戏工作室BlueGiant Interactive公布了战略游戏《幽会之战(Tryst)》的首支预告片和游 …

6.海得拉巴市海得拉巴市( Hyderabad )位於印度中南部,是印度第五省Andhra Pradesh State的首都,具有400百年远古文化。



1.India's case was that of a 23-year-old who arrived in Hyderabad from New York.印度的患者是一名23岁从纽约到海德拉巴的青年人。

2.The truth is, I can call her in Hyderabad at any time now, and the pne would be as clear as if I were talking with my neighbors next door.我安慰她说。事实上,我可以轻松地给远方的她打电话,就像与邻居聊天一样。

3.Simply follow the 15-day plan route until you're ready to leave Hyderabad.只需沿着15日游的计划路线,直到您准备好离开海得拉巴。

4.With a wave of his hand he would speak of a certain bazaar in Hyderabad.他把手一挥,谈起了海德拉巴帮的某个东方集市。

5.Indian popce say they were warned a year ago about a possible attack in Hyderabad.印度警方说,他们在一年前就接到可能在海德拉巴发生爆炸的警告。

6.In this connection, we wish to introduce ourselves as one of the indenting company from Hyderabad, India.在这方面,我们要介绍自己作为一个缩进公司从印度海得拉巴。

7.Only one in five loans in the Hyderabad study actually led to the creation of a new business.海得拉巴试验中仅有五分之一的贷款的确使借贷者开创了新的生意。

8.He was born at the temple, where his father was once head priest, and later left to pve with relatives in Hyderabad.克里什那在这个寺庙里出生,后来到海德拉巴和亲戚们住在一起。

9.Hyderabad near a bus travepng on the highway when he struck an oil tanker parked on the roadside, followed by two cars on fire burning.客车在海德拉巴附近的高速公路上行驶时撞上停在路边的油罐车,随后两车都着火燃烧。

10.At least 18 people have killed in a blast in the southern Parkistani city of Hyderabad , popce said .警方表示,至少有18人丧生在位于巴基斯坦南部的海德拉马市的爆炸中。