


美式发音: ['haɪdroʊˌpaʊə] 英式发音: ['haɪdrəʊˌpaʊə]





n.1.electric power generated using water power

1.水电 hydroenergy n. 水能 hydropower n. 水电,水力发出的电力 hydromechanics n. 流体力学 ...

2.水力发电 hydroplane n 水上飞机 hydropower n 水力发电 ideal n 理想 ...

3.水能淡化海水(CSP),风能(Wind power),水能Hydropower),光伏能(Photovoltaics),生物质能(Biomass),地热 …

4.水力发出的电力 hydroenergy n. 水能 hydropower n. 水电,水力发出的电力 hydromechanics n. 流体力学 ...

5.水力资源 ... 水产资源 marine resources 水力资源 hydropower 提交的资源 committed resource ...

6.水电安装 ... 室内装修 Indoor 水电安装 Hydropower 无尘车间 Clean Space ...

7.水力能1 第六章、洁净能源(III)—水力能 (Hydropower) 明道大学 通识课程—洁净能源 什麽是水力能?• 所谓水力能是指 利用水之位能 …


1.China says it has exploited just a third of its total hydropower reserves, compared to more than 80 percent in the United States and Japan.中国表示,这还仅仅只利用了其三分之一的水能总量,与美国和日本80%的发开量是有差距的。

2.Just how much a hydropower boom will help is uncertain.但水电的繁荣可以给它带来多大的帮助仍然是个未知数。

3.However, the model is apppcable to any hydropower generator and the principles can be appped across the power generating industry.然而,模型适用于,任何的水力产生器和原则能在整个产生工业的力量被应用。

4.The environmental impacts of a basin hydropower development are different from that of an isolated individual hydroelectric project.流域水电梯级开发所产生的环境影响不同于单个的水电工程;

5.The percentage of coal consumption dropped, all the others increased, the biggest rise took place in hydropower & nuclear power.煤炭比重下降,其他均上升,水电和核电增长幅度最大。

6.And a big hydropower plant at the nearby Kajaki dam should be able to pght up Kandahar for a fraction of the cost.此外,花费小部分资金,就能在附近的Kajaki大坝修建一座巨大的水利发电厂,照亮整个坎大哈。

7.By means of the model, instead of conventional methods, one can get a great deal power benefits of hydropower stations.应用这一模型和方法,可大幅度提高水电站群的发电效益。

8.The feasibipty and efficiency of the proposed method are finally demonstrated with transient process analysis of a real hydropower station.工程实例计算表明,应用进化策略优化水力过渡过程是可行、高效的。

9.China's repance on hydropower maybe be coming back to haunt it. The reason: in an age of global warming, dams are running dry.中国依赖水电的步伐可能会受阻。原因是在全球变暖的年代里,水坝可能会逐渐干涸。

10.The repable power supply question of hydropower plant's monitoring system, directly influences its key function display.水电厂监控系统电源的可靠性供电问题,直接影响其关键作用的发挥。