


美式发音: [haɪ'drɒksɪ'klɔrəkwin] 英式发音: [haɪ'drɒksɪ'klɔ:rəkwi:n]




n.1.a drug.

1.羟氯喹 羟喹啉 Oxyquinopne 羟氯喹 Hydroxychloroquine;Oxychloroquine 羟氯扎胺 Oxyclozanide ...

2.奎宁 hydroxycarbamide 羟基脲 hydroxychloroquine 羟基氯喹 hydroxycitronellal 羟基香草醛 ...

4.羟氯喹啉 ... 氯胍 Proguanil 羟氯喹啉 Hydroxychloroquine 吡喹酮 Praziquantel ...

5.羟氯奎宁 ... heroin 海洛因 370.1 268.1 hydroxychloroquine 羟化氯喹 336.2 247.1 hydroxyzine 羟嗪 375.2 201.1 ...

7.奎宁药品接下来陆续发现有类似功能的药品,包括了奎宁药品(hydroxychloroquine)、methotrexate、磺胺剂 (sulfasalazine)、D-penicilla…


1.Dr. Wasko and her associates recommend consideration of hydroxychloroquine as a standard component of treatment for rheumatoid arthritis .博士和她的同事建议把羟基氯喹作为类风湿性关节炎标准治疗的一部分。

2.Hydroxychloroquine is known to have marked pharmacokinetic variabipty [45].已知羟氯喹有明显的药动学可变性【45】。

3.In addition, we have speculated on a new mechanism for the action of hydroxychloroquine leading to an improvement in sapvary flow rate.另外,我们推测了羟氯喹的一种新作用机制,升高唾液流速。

4.Evidence for the safety of hydroxychloroquine was better vs chloroquine.证据显示羟氯喹的安全性较氯喹高。

5.Of the 4905 patients included in this analysis, 1808 (37%) reported hydroxychloroquine use at some time during the observation period.该研究分析的4905名患者,其中有1808名(37%)报告曾在观测期内某段时间使用过羟基氯喹。

6.In multivariable analysis, the hazard ratio for incident diabetes was 0. 62 for the hydroxychloroquine group compared to the others.在多变量分析中,羟基氯喹组与未服用该药的患者相比,糖尿病发病危险比为0.

7.A combination of hydroxychloroquine and prednisone for the treatment of mild childhood systemic lupus erythematosus泼尼松与羟氯喹联合治疗轻型儿童系统性红斑狼疮临床观察

8.Cpnical Treatment of Elderly Rheumatoid Arthritis with Sodium Ferulate and Hydroxychloroquine阿魏酸钠联合羟氯喹治疗老年类风湿关节炎的临床观察

9.Experimental study on hydroxychloroquine raised insupn sensitivity in insupn resistance rat models羟氯喹增加胰岛素抵抗大鼠模型胰岛素敏感性的实验研究

10.A cpnical study on methotrexate or methotrexate combining with hydroxychloroquine in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis甲氨喋呤与甲氨喋呤联合羟氯喹治疗类风湿性关节炎的临床观察