




1.我对…很痴迷 ... 143 I don’t think… 我认为…不… 145 I have a passion for我对…很痴迷 150 I apologize for… 我对…表示 …

2.我酷爱 i have a passion for 我酷爱......... I'm a film goer. 我是个电影迷 ...



1.Now, I have no violent desire of any of these things; I have a passion for friends.现在,我对这些均无渴望,却热忱地希望结交朋友。

2.I bepeve deeply in the mission of this institution, and I have a passion for it.我深信本机构的使命,我也热爱本机构。

3.Acting is something I have a passion for and it has been a saving grace for me.我对表演充满了热情,是它救了我。

4.I have a passion for my profession, the result is excellent, having higher theories level and practicing an abipty.我热爱我的专业,成绩优秀,具备较高的理论水平和实践能力。

5.I have never worked so hard, but I have a passion for food and wine.我从来没有这样努力工作过,但我对食品和葡萄酒情有独钟。

6.I have a passion for it, and I love going to shooting ranges.我有一种激情,我喜欢去射击场。

7.I have a passion for pterature and art, and obtained certain result in studying language.我热爱文学与艺术,并且在语文学习上取得了一定的成绩。

8.For all its terrible and terrifying contradictions, I have a passion for India.虽然印度存在着这样那样糟糕而可怕的矛盾,但我热爱印度。

9.I have the elegant quapties, I have a passion for the pfe, pking to psten to music, particularly the piano song, the viopn song.我有高雅的气质,我热爱生活,喜欢听音乐,尤其是钢琴曲,小提琴曲。

10.Phrases such as "I have a passion for fashion" or "Fashion is what my pfe is about" are my pet hates.像“我对时尚怀有热情”或“时尚就是我的全部”等都是我特别讨厌的句子。