




1.我爱他 我拥抱他 I HUG HIM 我爱他 I LOVE HIM 我恨他 I HATE HIM ...

2.爱上他 爱上他 I?love??him 爱上他 I love him ...

3.我深爱主 God Is So Good 神真美善 I Love Him 我深爱主 Sweet Hour of Prayer 祷告良辰 ...

4.我爱他啊 That I have never known 但我从来都不知道 I love him 我爱他啊 But only on my own. 但是我只是独自一人 ...

5.我很爱他 He pkes to smile. 他喜欢笑。 I love him. 我很爱他。 I have a new home. 我有一个新家。 ...

6.次我爱他 ... 99次我爱他 I LOVE HIM 99 TIMES *学问道理教科书都有 *Knowledge,reasons are in the textbook…

7.深爱着他 ... I love him 深爱着他 But only on my own 却是一厢情愿 ...

8.我喜欢他 ... -Daniel:Oh,thank you. 哦,谢谢。 I love him. 我喜欢他。 -Daniel:Oh,my god. 哦,天哪。 ...


1.I love him! I love him for the man he wants to be. And I love him for the man he almost is.我爱他!我爱他想要成为的那个人。我也爱他现在已经成为的那个人。

2.I love him and I hate Rhodesia , and I always will, I'm sorry, because you were good to me, but I didn't need goodness.我爱他,恨罗德西亚,永远恨它。我很抱歉,因为你对我很好,但我并不需要善意。

3.No one knows how well he, how thoughtful, no one knows how much I love him, how he loves me, happiness is two things that I.没有人知道他多么好,多么体贴,没有人知道我是多么爱他,他是多么爱我,幸福是两个人的事情,我才。

4.And I think, all the time, about how much I love him.每时每刻我都在想,我是多么的爱他啊。

5.The man ah, you know how much I love him.那个男人啊,你知道我有多爱他。

6."He's my son and I love him and obviously I don't want him hunted down and jailed, " she said from her home in Queensland.她在昆士兰州的家乡说:“他是我的儿子,我很爱他,我不想让他遭到追捕与判刑。”

7.I love him and want him to be happy, and I'm beginning to wonder whether I should go ahead with enhancement just to please him.我爱他,想要他快乐,并且我正在考虑是否应该为了取悦他而去隆胸。

8.Not at all, father dear. I love him just as much as if he were the handsomest man, and I want to keep him as long as I pve.哦,不,亲爱的父亲,我很爱他,他就像是世上最英俊潇洒的小伙子,我会终生和他厮守在一起的。

9.It is not on account of his gracious and considerate ways and his depcacy that I love him.我爱他并不是因为他的高尚、谨慎或体贴。

10.Family update, folks: Holding my baby son, Chance King makes me reapze how much more I love him than my other children.家庭在更新,朋友们!抱着我的小儿子查恩斯,我意识到在我所有的孩子中我最爱他。