




1.我永远不会离开你 ... come to me now 来我身边 i will never leave you 我永远不会离开你 i will stay here with you 我将和你一起在这里 ...

2.我永不离开你 ... 抱我更紧一些 hold me closer... 我永不离开你 i will never leave you 永远在这里等你 will stay here with you ...

3.我永远不离开你 ... 我承诺 this i promise... 我永远不离开你 i will never leave you 永远在这里等你 i will stay here with you ...

4.我必不撇下你 凭谁意行? Have my own way? 我必不撇下你 I Will Never Leave You 擘开生命之饼 Perspectives on pfe ...

5.我将永远不离开你 ... 09 THINK OF ME 想念我 10 I WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU 我将永远不离开你 01 ANY DREAM WILL DO …

6.我永远也不会离开你 可以让我坐一下吗 You can let me meditation? 我永远也不会离开你 I will never leave you 正在翻译,请等待... to night ...


1.The man of God was dead, but the Lord himself remained very near. God promised Joshua, "I will never leave you nor forsake you. "尽管神人已经死了,但耶和华依然亲自临近约书亚,神应许约书亚:「我必不撇下你,也不丢弃你。」

2.As long as I'm staying with you, I will never leave you nor forsake you. I swear!只要我和你在一起,我会抓住你,我发誓!

3.My sweet, I love you so much, and I will never leave you.我的甜心,我是如此的爱你,而且永不离开你。

4.These are busy times for you, my love. I help as much as I am able to. I will never leave you. Your adoring, Monty.你总是很忙碌,我的挚爱。我会尽可能的帮助你。我绝不会离开你。你钟爱的,蒙蒂。

5.I will never leave you out in the cold and never hurt you whatever I am busy or sad .即使我悲伤,即使我忙碌,也永远不会冷落你!

6.don't fear, I must take care of you, but I will never leave you.不要害怕,我必须照顾你,因为我不能离开你。

7.I show you all the time that I am still beside you, that I will never leave you. We continue to work together. This is our mission.我至始至终都在向你展现其实我一直在你身边,我也从未离开你。

8.I will never leave you behind. You can count on me.我不会丢下你不管。你可以相信我的。

9.You say, "I feel all alone. " God says, " I will never leave you or forsake you(Hebrews 13: 5). "你说:“我是孤间的。”上帝说:“我永远不会舍弃你的(来13:5)。”

10.I promise, I will never leave you, I will always be your servant.我保证不会离开你,我永远做你的仆役。