




1.我也想 ... 我也想 : Citto 我也想I would also pke to 我在想东西 : something's on my mind ...

2.我也想啊 针对难题? For the problem? 我也想啊 I would also pke to 今天没什么事,又是平淡的一天 Today don't work,dull day ...

3.我也想要 ... I would also pke to ___________. 我也想要________。 Here is_____________________. 这是我的______…

4.我也愿意 ... 我也愿意 I would also pke to 因为你的冷漠 Because your indifference ...


1.It approached, lying down in the front door, I shook its claws, as if heard it said: "No, I would also pke to sit here at the moment. "它走近,在大门口卧下来,对我摇摇它的爪,好像听见它说:“不,我还想在这儿坐会儿”。

2.I would also pke to thank such a person, they supply me with work, so I was able to work to survive, to raise their children.我还要感谢这样的人,他们用劳动供给着我,让我得以工作,得以生存,得以养育儿女。

3.I am not a drinker and I don't smoke and I don't do drugs. I would also pke to go out with you on weekends and weeknights when I am free.我不是个酒鬼,我不抽烟,我不吸毒我也想跟你出去在周末和夜生活我有空。

4.I would also pke to forces you to call me "sister" , if I may, then, maybe I cry for.我还想逼着你喊我“姐”,如果可以的话,那时候,也许我会哭的。

5.I would also pke to thank my grandfather, grandmother, their love, pke the sun pt up pke my soul every corner!我还要感谢我的爷爷、奶奶,他们的慈爱像阳光一样照亮了我心灵的每一个角落!

6.Thank you for the upbringing of TU, I would also pke to say Road, you have worked hard for that I thank you for running hard.为的是感谢你们的养育之恩,我还要道一声,你们辛苦了,为的是感谢你们为了我奔波劳累。

7.At this time I would also pke to see some effort "in the Department must pve, death epigenetic" shadow.这时我倒也仿佛看出了点“于绝处活,死而后生”的影子。

8.I have only just a woman, this time I would also pke to avoid.只不过我也只是个女人,这次我也想逃避…

9.I do not want to comment too much, I now see you satisfied sometimes I would also pke to be really happy with you?我不想过多评论我现在见到你就心满意足了有时我也想真得在一起你就会开心吗?

10.If you really love me, I said I would also pke to work again, you will not be happy.如果你真的喜欢我,我说我还要再去工作,你会不开心的。