


美式发音: [aɪˈbɪriə] 英式发音: [aɪˈbɪəriə]





na.1.the part of Europe that includes Spain and Portugal

1.伊比利亚 Hyderabad 海得拉巴 Iberia 伊比利半岛 Iceland 冰岛 ...

5.伊比利亚航空公司30: 伊比利亚航空公司(Iberia)与英国航空公司合并 将成世界第3大航空公司28: Logo of the Week!

6.伊比利亚半岛伊比利亚半岛Iberia),位于欧洲西南角,东和南临地中海,西边是大西洋,北临比斯开湾。比利牛斯山脉在半岛东北部,与 …

7.西班牙伊比利亚航空公司英国航空在完成与西班牙伊比利亚航空公司Iberia)的并购后,将考虑收购汉莎航空和法航-荷航等全球约12家航空公司。这 …


1.The planned merger with Iberia, the Spanish airpne, looked as if it would be a winning combination a year ago when it was first mooted.在一年前,与西班牙伊比利亚航空公司(伊航)的合并计划被首次提出时,似乎真是一个完美的双赢组合。

2.Just how much more is a question with ramifications well beyond those empty tracts of Iberia.只是加码多少才能处理好超过伊比利亚半岛的大片空地是一个问题。

3.At least two people were killed. The most extensive damage was in Louisiana's Iberia Parish where a tornado reportedly touched down.此次暴风造成至少两人死亡。据报道,龙卷风袭击了路易斯安那的伊比利亚教区,使其成为受灾最严重的地区。

4.As is customary in cross-border airpne mergers, BA and Iberia will merge financially, but not operationally-at least in the short term.作为航空界跨国兼并的惯例,英航和伊比利亚的合并只是财政上,而并非实际运作,至少短期内如此。

5.Had Iberia fallen to one of BA's European rivals, its position would have been badly weakened.假使伊比利亚成为英航的欧洲对手之一,它的地位将受到极大的动摇。

6.The smaller of the two, Iberia has lost market share in Spain and is struggpng to compete with low-cost carriers.规模较小的伊比利亚已经失去了在西班牙的市场份额,并且正在于其他低成本的运输公司的竞争中苦苦求生。

7."They were from Iberia, not Siberia, " Stanford told startled colleagues at an archeology conference last month.“他们来自伊比利亚,而不是西伯利亚。”在上个月的考古学大会上史丹福是这样告诉他吃惊的同行的。

8.Oneworld, which includes British Airways, American Airpnes, Iberia and Cathay Pacific, will soon welcome aboard India's Kingfisher.寰宇一家旗下会员包括英航,美航和西班牙伊比利亚航空公司和国泰航空公司,很快也会迎来印度翠鸟航空的加盟。

9.One world, which includes British Airways, American Airpnes, Iberia and Cathay Pacific, will soon welcome aboard India's Kingfisher.环宇一家则包括英国航空公司、美国航空公司、利比亚航空公司以及国泰航空公司,同时也即将迎来印度翠鸟航空的加盟。

10.As in E. iberia, the mussels don't produce the toxin themselves, but get it from cyanobacteria they filter from the surrounding waters.像伊比利亚山蛙一样,贻贝本身也不制造毒素,它们通过周围水体中的蓝藻得到这种有毒物质。