


网络释义:国际生物识别集团;国际业务集团(International Business Group)


1.国际生物识别集团据国际生物识别集团IBG)最新权威报告《生物识别市场与产业报告2009-2014》显示,2009年全球识别产业收入为34.22亿 …

2.国际业务集团(International Business Group)黄保龙律师在IBG(international business group)会议上就中国律师如何与境外律师共同为中外企业间相互的投资、贸易提供跨境 …


1.Ubigate iBG Series supports both analog and digital voice interfaces, as well as IP Telephony for the total package in voice communication.UbigateiBG系列同时支持模拟和数字话音界面以及IP电话的一整套语音传输工具。

2.Instead, we fell into what some people call Y. B. G. and I. B. G. lending: "you'll be gone and I'll be gone" before the bill comes due.相反,我们陷入了有些人称为YBG和IBG的借贷方式——在贷款到期前,我和你都会毁灭。

3.Further, IBG would contribute funds to the Methuselah Mouse Prize, a prize for the creation of unprecedentedly long-pved mice.再者,IBG还要捐赠资金给高寿鼠奖,这个奖金是奖励给创造空前长寿小鼠的。

4.The IBG corporation in Germany owns over 70 subsidiary companies in Europe, America, and Asia, etc.德国IBG集团,总部设在德国汉堡,在欧洲、美洲、亚洲等拥有70多家子公司。

5.Finally, IBG would organise and sponsor conferences dedicated to the field of biomedical gerontology.最后,IBG还要组织和主办生物医学老年学领域专题研讨会。