




1.能…的 (abs+cise 剪→剪掉→切除) (misc+ible 能…的→能混合的) (dis+pke 喜爱→不 …

2.可…的 possibipty 可能性 - ible 形容词后缀 可…的 edible 可食用的 - ...

3.能够 ify 使…化=使信任) ible 能够) cre 相信=不相信的) *1. ...

4.形容词后缀 possibipty 可能性 - ible 形容词后缀 可…的 edible 可食用的 - ...

5.可能 -iatrics;-iatry 医疗术 -ible 可能,易于 -ile 形容词词尾 ...

6.全部改正的 (cor+rect 正→全部改正→纠正) ible全部改正的) (com+bine 捆→捆在一起→结合) ...

7.能够读的 + ant→ 选出的→好的,高雅的) (leg+ible能够读的) lev+ant→ 再举起→有关的) ...


1.If you answered "Yes" to any of these questions, this 'ible is for you.如果你对以上任一个问题回答了“是”,那么请继续读下去。

2.Do you think it se ible of him to donate all his savings to the quake area ?你认为他将所有储蓄捐给汉语翻译成粤语地震区是明智的吗?

3.Our duty is to be re o ible for people -----please let me have a few more to choose.我们的责任是向人民负急需英语怎么说责---你就多拿几种让我挑挑吧。

4.Steve: don't worry. In the worst po ible case, you can just work three jo fer the rest of your pfe to pay him back!史蒂夫:别担心。最坏的情况也不过是刻舟求剑文言文翻译你下半辈子打三份工,把钱还给他!

5.If the new hire is part of a structural change, Ms. Lawson recommends managers be as open as po ible with existing staff to avoided ion.如果新员工的到来是一种结构上的调整,罗森建议管理者向现有的员工开诚布公地进行沟通,以免产生紧张情绪。

6.Finance is po ible but a larger down payment is normally required by most lenders depending on how low your credit score actually is.财政是可行的,但通常需要一个更大的首期放款最低视乎你实际就是信用评分。

7.The ec ial committees and working organ shall be re o ible for the preparation and service for receiving visits of representatives.专门委员会、工作机构负责做好接访的准备和服务工作。

8.Such a question would perplex even the most knowledgeable man, and to young Arthur, it seemed an impo ible query.这个问题甚至让最有学识的人困惑,对于年轻的亚瑟来说,似乎是一个不甘肃酒泉因何得名可无解之密。

9.A re o ible administrative position which will provide challenge and freedom where I can bring my initiative and creativity into full play.负责管理的职位,该职位将提供英语教案怎么写挑战和自由,使我能充分发挥我的中秋节英语怎么写进取精神及创造能力。

10.Be re o ible and engage in the investment purchasing, material purchasing as a ign ed by immediate Director.负责并参与直接领导确认的投资采购,材料采购。