


网络释义:鸡传染性支气管炎病毒(Infectious bronchitis virus);independent BIOS vender,独立BIOS


1.鸡传染性支气管炎病毒(Infectious bronchitis virus)的BIOS启动程序。 当然了,各家IBVindependent BIOS vender;独立BIOS供应商)可以把程式放在不同的位置,只要透 …


1.You can vapdate the state of the InfiniBand on each node by running the ibv_devinfo or ibstatus commands as a root user.您可以作为根用户运行ibv_devinfo或ibstatus命令,来在每个节点上验证InfiniBand的状态。

2.Contiguous safe time and safe distance to infective agent of IBV still need to be further studied.与IB传染源接触的安全时间与安全距离则有待更深入的研究。

3.In a word, the above result shows that JH06111 is a novel variant IBV isolate.综上所述,JH06111是一个具有独特变异特征的IBV新的变异株。

4.These data suggested that the Chinese herbal medicine had good effect against slow respiratory disease caused by IBV.表明该中药方剂用于由IBV引起的呼吸道疾病有较好的疗效。

5.Concentration test of NDV-IBV-tetragenous vaccine by means of bos ultrafiltration盒式超滤系统对四联苗中NDV及IBV的浓缩试验

6.Detection of the dynamics of antibodies to IBV in chickens using indirect ELISA用间接ELISA试剂盒检测鸡传染性支气管炎抗体消长规律

7.Genetic Relationship of Nucleocapsid Gene of Domestic IBV Vaccine Strains国产IBV疫苗株核衣壳蛋白基因的亲缘关系

8.Progress in Molecular Biology Identification Technique of IBV鸡传染性支气管炎分子生物学诊断研究

9.Comparing the serotype and genotype of local isolates of IBV from Shandong and Beijing by RFLP传染性支气管炎病毒山东及北京分离株血清型及RFLP基因分型的比较研究

10.Revelation from Genetic Information of Main Structural Protein Genes of Different IBV H52 Strains52疫苗株主要结构蛋白基因信息解析