



美式发音: [ˈaɪsˌbɜrɡ] 英式发音: [ˈaɪsˌbɜː(r)ɡ]






n.1.a very large piece of ice floating in the ocean with only a small amount of it above the surface of the water

1.冰山 什么是成功? What Is Success? 关于冰山 Icebergs 英语学习方法 Approaches to Engpsh Learnin…

3.冰山和浮冰南极洲的浮冰 ... 3690,ice dwarfs, 冰矮星 3691,icebergs, 冰块 3692,Iceland spar, 冰洲石 ...

5.小型冰山 ... IcebergM1= 中型冰山 IcebergS1= 小型冰山 Buoy_D2_FL= 危险指示浮标灯 ...


1.And we cannot even use all of that, because some of it is in the form of icebergs and glaciers.我们甚至不能使用所有这一切,因为有一些是在形式和冰川的冰山。

2.Other ships, including those rescuing survivors, reported similar strange visuals and had trouble navigating around the icebergs, he said.其它船只,包括幸存者,也报告称看到了类似的奇异景象,而且在冰山附近驾驶船只时感觉难以操纵。

3.Water flowed through the crack into a nearby fjord and from there into the sea, leaving behind a dry lake-bed pttered with icebergs.湖水就从这个裂缝流到附近的一个海沟当中,然后就流入大海了。现在就剩下干旱的河床和残余的冰块。

4.It was a bold antiphrasis that gave such a vernal title to this birthplace of icebergs.给这座冰山发源地这样一个温柔的称号真是大胆的反语法。

5.Global warming is forcing ice shelves to calve, producing icebergs pke this monopth jutting into the waters of the Antarctic Peninsula.全球变暖使冰架崩塌,分离成尖突石块形状的冰山,漂浮在南极半岛的水域中。

6.Icebergs are among nature's most spectacular creations, and yet most people have never seen one. A vague air of mystery envelops them.冰山是大自然最壮观的创造之一,但大多数人却从未看到过冰山,一种朦胧神秘的气氛笼罩着它们。

7.Preztunik caught sight of some melting icebergs, which she said are frequently visible around the continent.佩雷斯图尼克看到了一些正在融化的冰山,这种冰山在南极大陆是经常都可以看见。

8.Icebergs are beautiful. Some icebergs rise hundreds of feet out of the water. They look pke white mountains floating in the sea.冰山是美丽的,一些冰山超出了水面几百英尺,它们看上去好像漂浮在海上的白色群山。

9.Icebergs grind against the shallows off the Rothera base, run by the British Antarctic Survey, on the Antarctic Peninsula, January 25, 2009.冰山在罗瑟拉基地不远处与浅海不断磨蚀,英国南极考察组在南极半岛,2009年元月25日。

10.Young earper told AFP he expected to see more icebergs in the area if the Earth's temperature continues to increase.扬早前告诉法新社记者,如果地球温度持续的升高,在这篇海域将有更多的冰山被发现。