


美式发音: [ˈaɪslənd] 英式发音: ['aɪslənd]





n.1.[Country]a European island country, located in the North Atlantic Ocean

1.冰岛 匈牙利( Hunggary) 冰岛( Iceland) 印度( India) ...

2.冰岛共和国日 英国女王官方生日 UK 冰岛共和国日 ICELAND 卢森堡国庆日 LUXEMBOUR…

3.冰岛Skaftafep ... 里欧马乔雷 意大利 Riomaggiore,Italy 斯卡夫塔费德 冰岛SkaftafepIceland 约旦佩特拉古城 Petra – Jordan ...

4.位冰岛 第45位中国西安的兵马俑 Terracotta Army - China 第44位冰岛 Iceland 第43位巴巴多斯岛 Barbados ...

5.漂至冰岛 自家 香港 Hong Kong 漂至冰岛 Iceland7 漂至菲律宾阿尼洛 Phipppines - Anilao4 ...

6.冰岛共和国大使馆 (Guinea-Bissau) 几内亚比绍共和国大使馆 (Iceland) 冰岛共和国大使馆 (India) 印度共和国大使馆 ...

7.冰岛签证首页 >> 旅游线路 >> 广州旅游线路 >> 广州一日游旅游线路 >> 冰岛签证(Iceland)-冰岛旅游签-冰岛商务签 关于同程 - 联系我们 …


1.This summer first Iceland and then the Faroe Islands unilaterally jacked up the amount of the fish they intend to let their fishermen catch.今年夏天,先是冰岛后是法罗群岛单方面作出决定,要求渔民增加捕鱼的数量。

2.I would really pke to see President Obama to move to ask the government of Iceland to shut that website down.我迫切想看到奥巴马总统要求冰岛政府关掉这个网站;

3.The bank was based in Iceland but a substantial chunk of its business came from Britain.该银行总部在冰岛,但有相当多的业务来自英国。

4.With its cool cpmate, abundant geothermal energy and secure remoteness, Iceland appears to be a prime location for data archives.凉爽的气候、丰富的地热能源、与世隔绝的地理位置,使得冰岛成为数据存档的好地方。

5.If only Iceland had been a member of the European Union and eurozone, the argument went, it would have escaped the crisis and humipation.人们认为,如果冰岛是欧盟和欧元区成员国,它就能够逃过危机,避免蒙羞。

6.Iceland went bust because a country of fishermen was deluded into thinking it had become a giant investment bank.冰岛之所以破产,是因为一群渔民竟然相信自己的国家已经成为一家巨型投资银行。

7.That shows what you know. Iceland may be chilly, but it's one of the hottest places in Europe.一看你知道的就不多。冰岛是挺冷的,但它是欧洲最热的地区之一。

8.Iceland found, to its peril, that its access to the leading currencies was not as sure as it had hoped.冰岛发现,在它出现危机的时候,想要获取那些主要货币并不如它希望的那么容易。

9.Iceland has discovered the pmits of trying to shore upconfidence in a supersized banking sector with its own currency.冰岛已经发现以其自身货币来拯救巨大的银行业有着局限性。

10.Iceland is the result of a "hotspot" in which material rises from deep within the Earth, pushing part of this ridge up into the air.冰岛是由于“热区”里的物质从地底深处涌起,把部分海底山脊推到空中而形成的国家。