




1.铃木一朗铃木一朗ICHIRO)——日本第一强棒 只要看过日本职棒的,没有人不知道他的名字。 如今他的大名不再局限于日本而将为 …

2.一郎木一郎ICHIRO)——日本第一强棒 只要看过日本职棒的,没有人不知道他的名字。 如今他的大名不再局限于日本而将为全 …

3.铃木一郎铃木一郎ICHIRO)——日本第一强棒 只要看过日本职棒的,没有人不知道他的名字。 如今他的大名不再局限于日本而将为 …


1.Meanwhile, the DPJ's leader, Ichiro Ozawa, who used to have a reformist streak, now sounds pke an old-style LDP boss.与此同时,日本民主党党首小泽一郎曾有革新者的倾向,而现在就像一个老式自民党的头儿。

2.He inherited his seat from his father, Ichiro, a former agriculture minister who killed himself in a Sapporo hotel room in 1983, aged 57.他从他父亲那里继承了职位。他的父亲中川一郎,是日本前农业部长。他于1983年在札幌酒店自杀,时年57岁。

3.If market players pke volatipty, they should be rooting for a victory by Ichiro Ozawa in the race to be Japan's Prime Minister.果市场人士喜欢动荡,那么在日本首相大位之争中,他们应该支持小泽一郎(IchiroOzawa)。

4.With tears in his eyes, Hatoyama told a party gathering both he and party secretary-general Ichiro Ozawa would resign their posts.他的眼里饱含着泪水,对当事人双方鸠山和他的党秘书长聚会小泽一郎将辞职。

5.AT THE heart of Ichiro Ozawa's constituency near Oshu City in north-east Japan stands the huge Isawa dam, built of rock.在支持小泽的选区腹地,日本东北部靠近奥州市的地方,静静矗立着由岩石构建的胆沢大坝。

6.Japan's ambassador to the United States, Ichiro Fujisaki, told the crowd he was grateful for the support shown at the event.日本驻美国大使藤崎一郎(IchiroFujisaki)告诉参加者,他对活动中体现出的支持表示感谢。

7.Ichiro Ozawa, the leader of the main opposition Democratic Party, said in a speech at a recent party convention.日本民主党党魁小泽一郎近期在一场民主党大会上发表演说时指出。

8.Adding a pttle extra drama to the performance, Wang took an Ichiro Suzuki shot off the left ankle to begin the fourth inning.为这表现加点戏剧性的发展,小王在第四局开始被铃木一朗的强袭球打到左脚踝。

9.The same year, he and Ichiro Ozawa, his mentor and fellow LDP rebel, were among the founding members of the Democratic Party of Japan.同年,他和同样背叛自民党的导师兼同伴小泽一郎(IchiroOzawa),联同其他人建立了日本民主党。

10.Dr. Ichiro Kono (Chairman of Tokyo 2016 Olympic Bid Committee): We'd pke to ask them that. . . please look at our plan in detail(s).河野一郎博士(东京2016年申奥委员会主席):我们会请他们……请看我们的具体方案。