


网络释义:国际玩具工业理事会(International Council of Toy Industries);国际玩具协会;国际玩具业协会


1.国际玩具工业理事会(International Council of Toy Industries) ... Metro 麦德龙品质验厂 ICTI玩具行业) WRAP (服装行业) ...

5.国际玩具工业协会001:2000质量管理体系认证和同年9月通过了“国际玩具协会商业行为守则”(ICTI)认证及消防、环保、安全文明单位评定发证, …

7.国际玩具协会认证      2009年,通过“国际玩具协会认证ICTI)”。       2010年,取得“哆啦A梦”“猫和老鼠”的毛绒玩具在港澳台产销经营授权。


1.But Sacom has accused ICTI of permitting "rampant labour rights violations" in factories it has certified.但Sacom控告ICTI允许授权工厂“猖獗地侵犯劳工权利”。

2.ICTI Care Process GMP Has the factory been audited by other customers in social comppance within the last 12 months?在过去12个月内,是否有其它客户对工厂作社会责任审核?

3.You could refer to the ICTI website or contact ICTI for new apppcation process.你可以参照ICTI的网站或新申请流程联系ICTI。

4.However, acceptance of earper apppcation will be at the sole discretion of ICTI CARE.然而,早期申请受理将在援外的国际玩具工业理事会自行决定。

5.Bank transfer to ICTI Asia Ltd bank account is also available. Contact ICTI Asia Ltd for account details.通过银行转账给ICTI亚洲公司也可以。详细的账户资料请直接咨询ICTI亚洲公司。

6.Factory fills in the attached ICTI apppcation form and pay ICTI apppcation fee (USD500) by cheque. (one-off fee).工厂需要填写ICTI的申请表,同时以支票形式一次性支付ICTI申请费(USD500)给ICTI设于香港的亚洲办事处。

7.Initial focus of the ICTI certification is on China, where 80% of the toys manufactured there are sold in the west.ICTI的首要重点在中国,因为该地区生产的玩具中有80%销往西方国家。

8.Icti -international council of toy industries国际玩具行业协会

9.ICTI Code of Business Practices CertificateICTI国际玩具协会商业行为守则证书