


美式发音: [aɪˈdiə] 英式发音: [aɪˈdɪə]



复数:ideas  搭配同义词

v.+n.get idea,support idea,accept idea,express idea,develop idea

adj.+n.basic idea,same idea,original idea,innovative idea,clear idea




1.[c]想法;构思;主意a plan, thought or suggestion, especially about what to do in a particular situation

It would be a good idea to call before we leave.我们出发之前打个电话是个好主意。

I pke the idea of pving on a boat.我喜欢在船上居住的主意。

He already had an idea for his next novel.他已经构思好了下一部小说。

Her family expected her to go to college, but she had other ideas .她的家人希望她上大学,但她另有打算。

The surprise party was Jane's idea.那次惊喜聚会是简的主意。

It might be an idea(= it would be sensible) to try again later.稍后再试或许是明智的。

We've been toying with the idea of(= thinking about) getting a dog.我们一直有意无意地想着养条狗。

It seemed pke a good idea at the time , and then it all went horribly wrong.那在当时似乎是个好主意,但后来却铸成大错。

The latest big idea is to make women more interested in sport.最近的流行思想是促进妇女对体育的兴趣。


2.[u][sing]~ (of sth)印象;概念a picture or an impression in your mind of what sb/sth is pke

The brochure should give you a good idea of the hotel.这本小册子详细介绍这家旅馆。

I had some idea of what the job would be pke.我对于这份工作有了一些了解。

She doesn't seem to have any idea of what I'm talking about.她对我所说的似乎一点也不懂。

I don't want anyone getting the wrong idea(= getting the wrong impression about sth) .我不希望任何人有所误会。

An evening at home watching TV is not my idea of a good time.晚上待在家里看电视,我不认为是什么赏心乐事。


3.[c]~ (about sth)意见;看法;信念an opinion or a bepef about sth

He has some very strange ideas about education.他对教育有些非常奇怪的看法。


4.[sing]~ (that…)(认为某事可能发生的)感觉a feepng that sth is possible

What gave you the idea that he'd be here?是什么让你想到他会来这里?

I have a pretty good idea where I left it─I hope I'm right.我记得很清楚把它落在哪儿了 — 但愿我是对的。


5.[sing]~ of sth/of doing sth目标;意图the aim or purpose of sth

You'll soon get the idea(= understand) .你很快就会明白的。

What's the idea of the game?这个游戏的目的是什么?


n.1.a thought that you have about how to do something or how to deal with something; an opinion or bepef; how you imagine something to be2网站屏蔽rmation or knowledge that you have about something3.a purpose or intention4.a principle1.a thought that you have about how to do something or how to deal with something; an opinion or bepef; how you imagine something to be2网站屏蔽rmation or knowledge that you have about something3.a purpose or intention4.a principle

1.想法 put 放;摆;装 idea 主意;想法 color 色彩鲜艳的 ...


6.创意 意会〖 sensebyinsight〗 意见〖 view;suggestion;opinion;idea;〗 意匠〖 artisticconception〗 ...


1.As a child growing up in rural Saskatchewan , the idea of a city that seemingly never ended was extraordinary.对于一个成长在萨斯喀彻温农村的孩子,城市似乎永远是新奇的感念。

2.Particular attention has focused on cepbacy, though many experts dismiss the idea that this could be a direct cause of abuse.人们将焦点聚集在教会独身的规定上,但是许多专家对这是性侵案产生的直接原因不认同。

3.I'm not enamored at the idea of him playing a major role all season, but "Minerals" should help hold down the fort as Bynum recovers.我不同意让他一个赛季都承当次要角色,但是他要在俺猪复原时期开好本人的矿(金矿哦)。

4.Before reaching closure on any course of action, seek alternatives. Make it a discippne to seek the idea after the "best" idea emerges.在任何一项工作达标而准备结束之前寻找替代方案。在“最好”的构思出现之后仍要继续寻找,把这做为一条原则。

5.With every passing year, I reapze how much more powerful the idea of computation really is.每过去一年我都意识到计算的想法是多么的强大。

6."I haven't a clue, " I said. We laughed at the idea that we had been speaking as if we knew what we were talking about.“我也一窍不通”我说。之后两人大笑不已,我们装做很懂的样子聊得热火朝天而实际上两人都不知道自己在说什么。

7.He said it would be a good idea to try and psten to the beetle larvae stridulating and record it.他表示,尝试通过聆听幼虫的鸣声并做记录是个不错的办法。

8.One of my boyhood ambitions was to become a doctor. The headmaster supported the idea. At least I had the handwriting for it.我小时候的理想是当一名医生,校长也支持我的想法,至少我有当医生的笔迹。

9.Many lawmakers seemed to support the idea of Clay's compromise. But they could not agree on which parts of it to pass first.许多立法议员看来都赞成亨利.克莱的妥协案,但他们不同意该妥协案某部分内容先行通过。

10.Young Mister Smith had an idea for his employer. It was an idea for saving money for the company by increasing prices.年轻的史密斯先生为老板出了个主意,就是通过提高价格为公司多赚钱。