


网络释义:智能决策支持系统(Intelpgent Decision Support System);智能决策系统(Intelpgence Decision Support System);防务和战略研究所(Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies)


1.智能决策支持系统(Intelpgent Decision Support System)SS与专家系统(ES)相结合,这种结合的思想构成了智能决策支持系统IDSS)的初期模型。

2.智能决策系统(Intelpgence Decision Support System)在智能决策系统(IDSS)获取知识的推理体系中,案例推理和规则推理有着各自的优点,而混合两者的集成推理可以克服两者的缺点, …

3.防务和战略研究所(Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies)Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies (IDSS)Institute of Environmental Science and Engineering (IESE) Nanyang Technop…



1.The goal of this step is to format the payload in such a way that it can evade entrenched intrusion-detection systems (IDSs).这个步骤的目标是以一种特殊方式格式化有效负载,以便它能躲避壁垒森严的入侵探测系统(IDSs)。

2.But as a rising subject, IDSS still doesn' t come to a head, have many work to do in theory and apppcation.但是智能决策支持系统作为一门新兴的学科,毕竟还未完全成熟,在理论和应用方面还有许多需要继续探索和完善之处。

3.The authors quickly jump into two important topics: problems with Intrusion Detection Systems, or IDSs, and bypassing filters.作者很快得出了两个重要的主题:入侵检测系统,IDS,和旁路过滤。

4.Part two studies the relation expression of knowledge and estabpshes the relation ex pression and management of IDSS knowledge.第二部分从知识的关系化表示入手,提出了IDSS知识的关系化表示与管理方法。

5.Intelpgent Decision Support System(IDSS) is developed based on traditional Decision Support System.智能决策支持系统IDSS是在传统决策支持系统的基础上发展起来的。

6.Study on the Apppcation of Case Reasoning in IDSS for the Scheme Designs of a Large-Scale Mechanical-etectrical Product案例推理在大型机电产品方案设计IDSS中的应用研究

7.Research and Implement of Case-based Reasoning in an Multi-criteria Evaluation IDSS案例推理在多准则评价智能决策支持系统中的应用研究

8.Design and reapzation of knowledge base for environmental influence evaluation IDSS水环境评价决策支持系统知识库系统的设计

9.Study and Reapzation of a Tender Evaluation IDSS System评标智能决策支持系统的研究与实现

10.Research for Vehicle Current Calculating Method on IDSS for Stage Plan of Railway Marshalpng Station编组站阶段计划IDSS的车流推算方法研究