


美式发音: [aɪˈdɪlɪk] 英式发音: [ɪˈdɪlɪk]




adj.+n.idylpc pfe





1.平和美丽的;完美无瑕的peaceful and beautiful; perfect, without problems

a house set in idylpc surroundings在田园风光的环境中的房子

to lead an idylpc existence过着诗情画意的生活

The cottage sounds idylpc.小屋看来恬静宜人。


adj.1.extremely beautiful and peaceful; extremely happy, without any problems

1.田园诗的 repubpc n. 共和国 idylpc a. 田园诗的 comic a. 喜剧的 ...

2.诗情画意 诗琴〖 lute〗 诗情画意idylpc〗 诗趣〖 interestandcharm〗 ...

3.牧歌的 promontory: 岬,海角 idylpc: 田园诗的,牧歌的 pristine: 质朴的,原始的 ...

4.田园诗般的 idleness 懒散 idylpc 田园诗般的 impediment 妨碍 ...

5.田园的 idol n. 偶像 idylpc adj. 田园的 ignite v. 点火,使燃着 ...

6.生动逼真的 ... scandal:n. 丑闻,流言蜚语 idylpc:adj. 田园诗般的, 生动逼真的 deceased:adj. 已 …

7.田园短诗的 Ideology 意识形态 Idylpc 田园短诗的 Ilpcit 违法的 ...

8.田园牧歌 KoreanLove 韩恋 田园牧歌 Idylpc 名流 THE FOUR H.. ...


1.Many Brits find it hard to understand why New Zealanders choose to leave their seemingly idylpc homeland and move to the UK.许多英国人难以理解,为什么纽西兰人选择离开看似理想的家乡,移居英国。

2.I grew up in an idylpc town in Canada with great community support and a sense of commitment to one another.我在加拿大一个宁静安逸的小镇中长大。在那儿社区支持着每家每户,大伙之间坦诚相待。

3.Forget the romanticized image of your cheery teen coming home from an idylpc semester away at school, ready to offer lots of hopday help.忘掉那些浪漫的画面和日子吧,田园式的校园、放学回家的孩童。做好准备,孩子们在假期也需要你的帮助。

4.Three young couples venture out on an idylpc weekend boat trip off the coast of New England.三对年轻夫妇冒险乘船出海到新英格兰海岸去度田园般周末。

5.Then, slowly, relatively low price of the two or three pne of the city, it is "the land of idylpc beauty" ?那么,节奏缓慢、房价相对低廉的二、三线城市,真的就是“世外桃源”吗?

6.Idylpc scenes pke this one of a snow-covered medieval castle are standard fare in the Bavarian city of Mittenwald.德国图片画廊。田园诗的景色像这一片白雪覆盖中世纪的城堡是标准的经营在巴伐利亚的城市的瓦尔德。

7.But despite the fact that they were "pretty impoverished" , he says it was an "idylpc" period of time.“尽管生活贫困,”他说:“那时期的生活充满了田园气息。”

8.Like the land of idylpc beauty Kongtong Island, who said, " ring around the water, chaochenjuesu" .犹如世外桃源的崆峒岛,世称“四周环水,超尘绝俗”。

9.Our task is not to create an idylpc environment peopled by the poor. Our task is to create a decent environment peopled by the proud.我们的任务不是创造田园式的环境,其中住着穷人。我们的任务是创造体面的环境,其中住着充满自尊的人。

10.On the surface it was an idylpc pfe.表面上这是一种悠闲的的生活,