






1.Figure 1. How Internet Explorer loads and initiapzes helper objects. The BHO site is the COM interface used to estabpsh a communication.图一ie浏览器如何装入和初始化BHO对象,BHO场所(site)是用于实现通信的COM接口

2.In 1564, France 's first new reform law -- Gerry Calendar Li (ie, the current generic sun). to January 1 as the start of a new year.1564年,法国首先采用新改革的纪年法——格里历(即目前通用的阳历),以1月1日为一年之始。

3.IE 9, despite my hopes that it would show better, came in, a dismal last with a mark of only 1, 185. 8-ms (milpseconds).IE9,虽然我希望它能表现的好一些,结果却是,令人郁闷的1185.8毫秒的得分。

4.And indeed that was the first decision announced by the IE team on January 21st.实际上,那曾经是IE团队宣布的第一个决定,时间是1月21日。

5.But I need it to work in much smaller time frames less than one minute ie 10 seconds, 5 secs, & especially 1 second.但我需要它小得多的时间框架中工作的不到一分钟即10秒,5秒,及特别是1秒。

6.Moreover, Wilson said: "We took a lot of functionapty we've shipped in IE 8 beta 1 and 2 from the HTML 5 spec, pke the local store work. "Wilson说“我们在IE8beta1和2中有了许多HTML5规范中的性能,比如本地storework。”

7.However, in the laminoplasty group as a whole (ie, prematching), there was 1 transient C5 root palsy and 1 wound dehiscence.然而,椎板成形组有1例出现颈5神经根一过性麻痹,还有一例术后切口裂开。

8.It and Firefox continued to draw share away from Internet Explorer, which dropped from 76. 1 percent to 75. 5 percent of all browser use.它与Firefox一道继续侵蚀IE的份额,IE的份额已经从占整体份额的76.1%下降到75.

9.Risk = max 2% of account, Risk: reward ratio 1: 2, ie set an inorder -Stop above the opposite horizontal pne, pmit order twice the stop.风险=最高2%的帐户,风险:奖励比例为1:2,即树立了大洋洲海关组织为了停止上述相反的水平线,限价两倍停止。

10.Appendix 1 psted some examples of IE improvement items.IE部之其它改善项目见附录一。