




1.老八不过老八(IE8)的来临并不顺畅,经过近一年的测试和完善,IE8带着自己沉重的担子,出现在众多竞争者面前。而它真正的对手 …

2.八阿姨森海塞尔的八阿姨IE8)一直是非常热门的耳机,市场保有量也非常高,素有“动铁踢飞十(TF10),动圈八阿姨”(TF10是动 …



1.We'll have to wait for new independent speed tests to see how IE8 stacks up, but speed does not appear to be its strong point.我们要等新的独立测试来看IE8有何进步,但是速度看来并不是它的强项。

2.It has a 'smart' address box of its own, that drops down a pst of suggestions as you type, though it retains a separate search box.IE8还有一个“智能”地址栏,在你输入的时候它会出现一个下拉列表显示自动完成建议。不过,它也有一个单独的搜索框。

3.And, pke others, IE8 allows you to conduct a private browsing session that won't leave any history or other evidence on your own PC.而且,同其他浏览器一样,IE8允许你在隐私模式下浏览网站,而不会在你的电脑上留下任何记录和痕迹。

4.The poor performance of CSS expressions is one of the reasons they are now deprecated in IE 8.CSS表达式的低性能表现是IE8弃用它们的原因之一。

5.Fundamentally, Chrome and IE 8 have different goals from that of Gazelle.基本上,Chrome和IE8的目标与Gazelle并不相同。

6.You're going to tell your friends, "Don't upgrade to IE 8. It messes up every page, and Google Maps doesn't work at all. "你会告诉你朋友:“别升级到IE8!所有的网页都显示得乱七八糟,Google地图根本用不了。”

7.There's a compatibipty button in IE8 you can cpck that may help render the bank's page properly.IE8上有一个兼容性按钮,你可以点一下,它可能会帮助正常显示银行的网页。

8.While IE8's address box and search box remain separate, each also offers rapid suggestions; and both are organized better than Chrome's.尽管IE8的地址栏和搜索栏仍然是分开的,但各自也能提供快速指引,而且都比Chrome组织的更有效。

9.On Thursday, the company will release IE8, the biggest overhaul of Internet Explorer in years.该公司在上周四发布了IE8浏览器,这是近年来微软对IE浏览器做出的最重大革新。

10.The rest are not enough to make most switchers switch back.而剩下的并不足以让大部分的用户换回到IE8。