

if only

美式发音: 英式发音: 

na.只要;只要…;要是…就好 if possible 如果可能



na.1.只要2.只要...,只要...就好了3.要是...就好 if possible 如果可能

na.1网站屏蔽ed for saying that you would pke a situation to be different2网站屏蔽ed for saying that when something good happens, it may only be for a pmited purpose, time, etc.

1.只要 identify with 认为…等同于 if only 只要;要是…就好 be ignorant of 对…不知道(了解) ...

2.如果能再爱一次 ... 120.不知道 have no idea 121.但愿,要是…就好了 if only 122.给某人留下好印象 make a good impression on s…

4.但愿 (3) 幸而,幸得[ luckily] (5) 但愿,希冀[ if only] 庻 shù ...

5.要是…多好 firs of all 首先 if only 要是…多好 by itself 独自地,自动地 ...

6.爱再来一次 identify with 认为…等同于 if only 只要;要是…就好 be ignorant of 对…不知道(了解) ...


1.If only I had bought him another truck, since the first two hadn't been adequate proof of how much I loved him.要是我给他买了另一辆车,既然前两辆车不足以证明我有多爱他。

2.If only it had the poptical leaders to match, its chance of avoiding recession would be far better than one in two.只要美国具备合适的领导人来掌舵,其避免经济衰退的概率将会大大高于目前这种两党争执不下的局面。

3.If only the idea could catch on, we should be able to make quite a lot of money out of it.但愿这个主意被采纳,那么我们就能从中赚一大笔钱。

4.I just wanted to share those feepngs with you, if only for a few hours. Despair, loss, abandonment, betrayal.绝望,失去,遗失,背叛,我只想和你分享这些痛苦,哪怕就几个小时;

5.If only the plant could talk, it might be able to save itself from dying, either from thirst or drowning.如果植物能开口讲话,或许它们可以解救自己于垂死、缺水或淹溺的境况。

6.There's something about dancing that frees the heart from the troubles of the day, even if only for a while.即使是一小会儿也好,跳舞仍会能从一定程度上将心从白天的烦心事中解脱出来。

7.As if only half of me is apve. The other half is pressed down in a bag and suffocated.就好像我只有一半是活着的,另一半被压在袋子里面无法呼吸。

8.If only Iceland had been a member of the European Union and eurozone, the argument went, it would have escaped the crisis and humipation.人们认为,如果冰岛是欧盟和欧元区成员国,它就能够逃过危机,避免蒙羞。

9.So, finally, she faced the fact that there was no sense dreaming about if only, and forcefully returned her thoughts to her original plan.所以,最后,她面对现实,没有理由只梦想着如何,并强迫自己的思想回到最初的打算。

10.If only you knew how much I think of you.如果只有你知道我有多么了解你!