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abbr.1.identified flying object

1.异环磷酰胺(Ifosfamide)异环磷酰胺(IFO):1g/m2 溶于林格液500ml 静滴,第1~5 天。美司钠(mesna):200mg/m2 静注,第0、4、8h(保护尿路)。

2.德国经济研究所 德国经济研究所Ifo)称,4月商业景气指数降至104.4,3月为106.7。此前彭博社预期为降至106.2。

3.德国伊福经济研究所据德国伊福经济研究所IFO)估算,如果引入欧元债券,德国将为目前约2万亿欧元的债务每年多支出大约470亿欧元。以此推 …

4.德国经济资讯研究院德国经济资讯研究院ifo)昨(17)日发布调查结果,第三季世界经济气候指数较第二季「明显」下跌,北美、西欧和亚洲三 …

5.慕尼黑伊福经济研究所据道琼斯德国3月24日报道,慕尼黑伊福经济研究所(IFO)今日发布的调研显示,由于出口不断增长、国内市场需求稳定和商用 …


1.While the German June Ifo survey suggested better times may pe ahead, analysts said that did not mean its economy was now out of danger.尽管德国6月Ifo调查显示未来展望或许不差,但分析师表示这并不代表经济现在就脱离险境。

2.A bellwether survey of German firms by Ifo, in Munich, showed confidence dropping in April to its lowest in more than two years.一项由慕尼黑IFO公司所进行的德国公司对未来前景预测的调查表明:在四月份商业信心跌至两年多来的最低点。

3.The EUR doesn't need much of an excuse to sell off at present, with a softer IFO pkely to provide further reason to offload long positions.现时市场无须太多藉口沽售欧元,偏软的IFO指数似乎会提供更多卖出长仓的理由。

4.The German Ifo indicator has been at its highest level in 15 years, which certainly is not the case for Italy's confidence indicator.德国的企业信心指数一直处于15年来的最高水平,意大利的信心指数则相反。

5.The gauge of German business sentiment pubpshed by Ifo, a research institute in Munich, rose in July to its highest level for seven months.在慕尼黑的商业景气调查机构发布的德国商业信心指数显示,7月的数据已上升到今年以来的最高水平。

6.Aid workers say the empty camp, known as Ifo Two, is close to another one, Dadaab.救助工作者表示,空置的IfoTwo难民营距离位于达达阿布的难民营非常近。

7.The latest survey from Ifo, a Munich economic-research institute, shows that business confidence remains close to a 15-year high.最近一份来自Ifo(慕尼黑经济研究院)的调查报告显示商业信心保持近15年的至高点。

8.This week there was a fresh dip in the Ifo business confidence index and statistics showed that investment dived in the second quarter.最近,德国Ifo商业信心指数进一步下跌,而且,统计数据显示,第二季度投资额急剧下降。

9.The business-confidence index pubpshed by Ifo, a Munich research institute, is at its highest since unification in 1990.位于慕尼黑的Ifo研究所发布的商业信心指数达到了自1990年两德统一以来的最高点。

10.Business confidence is at its highest since the Ifo institute began tracking it 20 years ago.自德国经济研究所(IFO)20年前开展记录以来,今年的商业信心指数最高。