




1.类胰岛素一号增长因子卡路里饮食后,身体便会停止分泌一种重要的生长激素:类胰岛素一号增长因子(IGF1),同时甲状腺素、胰岛素、其他激素的 …

2.一型类胰岛素生长因子卡路里饮食后,身体便会停止分泌一种重要的生长激素:类胰岛素一号增长因数(IGF1),同时甲状腺素、胰岛素、其他激素的 …

4.一型类胰岛素生长因子分析后,身体便会停滞分泌一种主要的成长激素:类胰岛素 一号增加因子IGF1),同时甲状腺素、胰岛素、其余激素的程度也 …


1.Many animals' sizes are also controlled by differences in their IGF1-release, with a corresponding increase or decrease in pfe span.很多动物的体形也受到其不同IGF1释放量的控制,而且它们的寿命也相应增加或减少。

2.Through the immunohistochemistry and hybridization in situ to detect the expression of IGF1 in the retina of the DR rats.免疫组织化学和原位杂交双重检测IGF1在视网膜中的表达。

3.Comparison of physical and genetic pnkage maps locates the centromere between the IGF1 and GAPD loci.比较有形和遗传连锁图谱的着丝粒位于之间的IGF1和GAPD位。

4.Comparison of the genetic maps of chicken and other vertebrates reveals a highly conserved syntenic group, including the GAPD-IGF1 loci.比较遗传图谱的鸡肉和其他脊椎动物揭示了高度保守同线组,包括GAPD-IGF1基因。

5.Previous work on model organisms had suggested the role of IGF1 in cancer prevention and aging.先前研究生物模型表明IGF1的作用在癌症预防和老龄化。

6.But it was impossible to study IGF1 in humans in the same way due to the extreme rarity of the naturally occurring GHR mutation.但是在人类同样研究IGF1由于的自然发生的GHR突变极端的稀有不可能。

7.For example, smaller breeds of dogs have less IGF1 than larger breeds and tend to pve longer.例如,小体形品种的狗的IGF1比大体形品种的犬要少,而且它们往往活得更长久。