


网络释义:生命;立即执行函数(Immediately-Invoked Function Expression);王明


1.生命 ... day 18 Earth( 地球) day 19 Iife生命) day 20 matter( 物质) ...

2.立即执行函数(Immediately-Invoked Function Expression) ... 王玉芬 COTE NORD 王明 iife 许法根 cadaobao ...




1.I made a Iot of mistakes in my Iife. I'm just trying to keep you from doing the same.我这一生中犯了很多错误我只是不想你走一样的路

2.I spent the best years of my Iife on the Virginian.我一生中最美好的时光都在弗吉尼亚号上度过

3.to have finaIIy found a use for geometry in my daiIy Iife.终于能从我的生活中找到几何学的用处了

4.It was the happiest day of my Iife.那是我一生中最开心的一天

5.He represented nature and country Iife. In old times he Was honoured as a god who was good, just and holy.他代表着自然和乡村生活,以前他被奉为一位善良、正直神圣的神。

6.I know I've made some mistakes, but I'm turning my Iife around.我知道犯错了,但我的生活会好转的

7.and eternal iife means to know you , the only true god . .永生就是认识你独一的真神。

8.Now, sing Iike your Iife depends on it. Because, sugar, it does.好好唱,想着唱歌能保命,亲爱的,因为它确实能

9.Someone must think his Iife's pretty fascinating.是啊有人一定以为他的生活有多精彩呢

10.and he says it's a matter of Iife or death.并且他说这个关乎到他的生死