


网络释义:发卡机构标识码(Issuer Identification Number);智能信息网络


1.发卡机构标识码(Issuer Identification Number)●前六位是:发行者标识代码 Issuer Identification Number (IIN)。注意:当前已经用IIN替换了之前的发卡行识别码 Bank Identific…

2.智能信息网络思科系统公司凭借智能信息网络 (IIN) 计划,正在帮助全球 IT 机构解决这些问题并迎接新挑战,如部署服务导向的架构、 Web …


1.I describe all this the more carefully, because Iin a few weeks time was to be the chief actor on a similar occasion.我叙述这个事情格外留心,因为几个星期的时候,我就做了同样事情的主要角色。

2.Iin the answer to that question you criticized your employer and your boss and said that you didn't pke to work there.回答中你批评你以往的雇主和老板,并说你不喜欢在那里工作。

3.The same widget could be created in a programmatic model, as shown iin Listing 8.同样地,这个小部件也可以用编程式模型创建,如清单8所示。

4.Part IIn this thesis, it will be separated into two individual parts: part I and part II. Each part has two chapters.这本论文主要分成两个各自独立的部分,每一部分都包含二章。

5.His wife visited him iin hospital every day, but he forgot her visits a few minutes after she left.他的太太每天都来医院看望他,但是他在她离开后几分钟后忘记了她来看过他。

6.IIn China, a lot of good dogs, but you have a big problem, you bad puppy, did not properly fed and poorly maintained.在中国,一个良好的狗很多,但是你有一个很大的问题,你不好的小狗,没有正确地喂养和管理不善的。

7.Our experiences of joy and pain iin our past contribute to who we are today.正是我们过去的经历与痛苦成就了今天的我们。

8.You are not the boy iin my heart anymore.你不再是我的心不男孩国讯。请离开我的世界了。

9.Nor eye iin a letter, nor hand in a purse. nor ear in the secret of another.不要用眼睛看别人的信,不要用手动别人的钱包,也不要用耳朵听别人的秘密。

10.Human infirmity iin moderating and checking the emotions I name bondage;我把人在调节和控制情感上的软弱无力成为奴役。