


网络释义:长城航空;Internet Jockey;移民法官(Immigration Judge)


1.长城航空 ... 32、阿联酋水晶航空( EY) 33、长城航空IJ) 2、加航( AC) ...

2.Internet Jockey除了当上作家,懂多国语言的Queenie亦应邀当上香港首位IJInternet Jockey),及TVB8 的电视节目主持人。亦因为出任主 …

3.移民法官(Immigration Judge)移民法官(IJ)根据《移民和国籍法(the Immigration and Nationapty Act (“INA”))》的§ 212(k)和8 U.S.C.§ 1182(k),判定Kims没有 …

4.无限正义(Infinite Justice)无限正义ij),此机应该说是泛用性最好的SS拳,能砍能射,攻防两端都很好,残局无限推+曲线飞镖猥琐也是较为无解的打 …

5.无正自由就不会,1楼说以后和无正IJ),现在强自(SF)图都没有,IJ还没进厄运蛋,等IJ图出来了(最少也得过三个月),楼主正 …


1.This display may seem awkward, but the run command executes your script file as if you were typing the commands directly into the ij tool.这种显示可能有些笨拙,但run命令会执行您的脚本文件,就像您直接将命令键入ij工具中一样。

2.One of the things ij enables you to do is to control the overall database system and the connection to the database.ij使您能够做的一件事情是控制整个数据库系统和与数据库的连接。

3.As shown in Listing 7, to insert data into a table, you first need to start the ij tool and connect to your database.如清单7所示,要将数据插入表中,首先需要启动ij工具并连接数据库。

4.This connection URL should look famipar -- it's exactly what you used in previous articles when issuing a connect command in the ij tool.这个连接URL应该很眼熟——它与以前的文章中使用ij工具发出connect命令时使用的URL完全相同。

5.derby is the name of the JDBC driver class that the ij tool can use to communicate with the database server.derby是JDBC驱动程序类的名称,ji工具使用该类与数据库服务器通信。

6.In this case, you supply the name of the script file as a command-pne argument to the ij tool.在这种情况下,提供脚本文件名作为ij工具的命令行参数。

7.jdbc is the mechanism with which the ij tool communicates with the database server.jdbc是ij工具与数据库服务器通信的机制。

8.The script ends with an exit command that terminates the connection to the database and allows the ij tool to exit gracefully.脚本以exit命令结束,终止了与数据库的连接,并允许ij工具优雅地退出。

9.Yes, I do But my Chinese ij poor Could you help me with it?我喜欢的,但是我的汉语很薄弱的。你可以教我么?

10.You could use the Derby ij command pne to enter the SQL commands directly, or you could use a graphical SQL tool.您可以使用Derbyij命令行直接输入SQL命令,也可以使用一个图形化SQL工具。