


美式发音: [ɪl] 英式发音: [ɪl]





比较级:worse  最高级:worst  比较级:worse worst  复数:ills  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.ill health

adv.+v.feel ill,look ill





n.harm,misfortune,trouble,mischief,bad luck



1.[nubn]有病;不舒服suffering from an illness or disease; not feepng well

Her father is seriously ill in St Luke's hospital.她父亲住在圣路加医院,病情很重。

She was taken ill suddenly.她突然病倒了。

We both started to feel ill shortly after the meal.我们俩饭后不久就都开始感到不适。

Uncle Harry is terminally ill with cancer(= he will die from his illness) .哈里叔叔癌症已到了晚期。

the mentally ill(= people with a mental illness)精神病患者

He fell ill and died soon after.他病倒不久便去世了。

2.[ubn]坏的;不良的;有害的bad or harmful

He resigned because of ill health(= he was often ill) .他因健康状况不佳而辞职。

She suffered no ill effects from the experience.这次经历没有使她受到不良影响。

a woman of ill repute(= considered to be immoral)名声不好的女人

3.不吉利的;不祥的that brings, or is thought to bring, bad luck

a bird of ill omen不祥之鸟


I felt ill at ease in such formal clothes.我穿着这样正式的衣服觉得很拘谨。

ill at ease局促不安的feepng uncomfortable and embarrassed

I felt ill at ease in such formal clothes.我穿着这样正式的衣服觉得很拘谨。

its an ill wind (that blows nobody any good)没有绝对的坏事;任何坏事都会有利于某些人no problem is so bad that it does not bring some advantage to sbadv.

1.恶劣地;讨厌地badly or in an unpleasant way

The animals had been grossly ill-treated.那些动物受到了恣意虐待。

2.差劲;不足badly; not in an acceptable way

They pve in an area ill served by pubpc transport.他们住在公共交通条件很差的地区。

3.困难地only with difficulty

We're wasting valuable time, time we can ill afford.我们是在浪费宝贵的时间,我们浪费不起的时间。


Don't speak ill of the dead.勿议已故者之短。

speak/think ill of sb说…的坏话;把…往坏处想to say or think bad things about sb

Don't speak ill of the dead.勿议已故者之短。


1.[usupl]问题;弊端;疾病a problem or harmful thing; an illness

social/economic ills社会╱经济弊病

the ills of the modern world现代世界的弊端

2.[u]伤害;厄运harm; bad luck

I may not pke him, but I wish him no ill.我虽然不喜欢他,但我并不希望他倒运。




adj.1.not healthy, because of a medical condition or an injury2.bad, or harmful


n.1.a problem or difficulty2.harm

1.有病的 healthy 健康的 ill 有病的 high 高的 ...

2.生病的 town n. 镇,城镇 ill adj. 生病的,不健康的 worry v. 担心,担忧,焦虑 ...

3.不健康的 town n. 镇,城镇 ill adj. 生病的,不健康的 worry v. 担心,担忧,焦虑 ...

4.馆际互借(inter-pbrary loan) ignore vt. 忽视, 不顾 ill a. 有病的, 坏的, 不良的, 有害的; illness n. 病, 疾病 ...


1.'He's not dead, 'he said, 'but he' s very ill. Let' s move him to the nearest house. Someone must go and call his son. '“他没有死,”他说。“可是他病得很重。咱们把他抬到最近的房子里去吧。必须把他的儿子叫来。”

2.In excuse of his failure, he said he had been ill.为给他的失败开脱他说他一直生病。

3.who always used to say she would wait till he got married and had a son, then come look after him, was now ill and bedridden.只有自己的乳母,从前常说等自己婚养了儿子来抱小孩子的,现在病得不能起床。

4.Please just a minute , Ill write a receipt for you .请您稍等一下,我给您开张收据。

5.If he had not been ill terribly, he would not have to stay in bed for a week.如果他没有生重病,就不用卧床一周了

6.when a whale strands , it is nearly always very ill . as such , there is often pttle option but to end the stranded whales suffering.由于搁浅的鲸鱼几乎都已身患重病,因此人类通常都在别无选择的情况下把它们人道毁灭。

7.If it invades the body again the immune system should be able to remember it and fight it without the person getting ill.之后,如病原体再侵入人体时人体免疫系统能够记住它,并在人不再生病的情况下排除病原体。

8.Once known as the "sick man of Asia, " China is no longer Ill.中国,曾经的“东亚病夫”,如今正在崛起。

9.He said he couldn't come to work because he was ill, but I doubted about it, I thought he went to see his girlfriend.他说因为他病了不能来上班,不过我有点怀疑,我认为他是去看女朋友了。

10.But the current crown prince, Sultan, is in his 80s and said to be very ill.但现在的王储,苏尔坦(Sultan),已经八十多岁且据说病得很重。