





4.伊柳辛  前苏联伊柳辛Ilyushin):IL-14/IL-18/IL-62  前苏联嘎斯(Lisunov):Li-2/Yak-42   英国航太(BAe):BAe 146   英国维克斯(…

5.伊柳申  图1:一架伊柳申Ilyushin)86型客机停在俄罗斯新西伯利亚托尔马乔沃国际机场上,摄于2005年8月。民航资源网资料图片, …

6.伊留申设计局  相关:"伊留申设计局"(Ilyushin)俄罗斯伊留申设计局是世界上著名的军用和商用飞机制造公司.其设计制造出第一种商用飞机是 …



1.Lockheed Martin and Boeing did not respond to the tender, leaving only Ilyushin and EADS in the fray.洛克希德·马丁公司和波音公司没有响应招标,留下Ilyushin和EADS激烈竞争。

2.The Adnan AWACS was in turn a modification of a Soviet-built Ilyushin Il-76 transport.Adnan预警机是又一个由前苏联建造的伊尔Il-76运输机的改进版本。

3.The order for Ilyushin aircraft has been long anticipated and contacts between Russia and China were first reported nearly five years ago.伊留辛的订单早有传言,中俄之间接触的第一次报道几乎是在5年之前。

4.Four years ago, a request for proposal was sent to U. S. -based Lockheed Martin and Boeing, EADS and Ilyushin of Tashkent.4年前,一项建议要求被送往美国的洛克希德·马丁公司,波音公司,EADS和IlyushinofTashkent公司。

5.From there, he was whisked by Ilyushin Il-76 miptary plane to Moscow, chucked in jail and charged with kidnapping and piracy.从那里,他被伊尔-76军用飞机送到莫斯科,然后因绑架和海盗罪遭到监禁。

6.The Ilyushin 76 transport plane was registered in Georgia but flew to Bangkok from Pyongyang, Thai officials said.泰国官员说,这架伊尔76运输机是在格鲁吉亚注册的,但是从平壤飞抵曼谷。

7.An Ilyushin IL-76 cargo plane from Kazakhstan colpdes in midair with a Saudia 747 near Delhi; all 349 aboard both planes are killed.1996年11月12日,一架来自哈萨克斯坦的IlyushinIL-76型号货机和一架沙特的747飞机在近德里的空中相撞;两架飞机上所有349人全部遇难。

8.The destination of the Ilyushin-76, which Thai authorities have said carried 35 tons of armaments, has been unknown.这架伊尔76飞机的目的地一直不清楚。泰国当局说,飞机上装载着35吨的军火。

9.From Canton we flew to Peking in a Russian-made Ilyushin 18, just in time for May Day.我们乘俄罗斯制造的伊尔18从广州飞到北京时,正好是五一节期间。