


美式发音: [ɪˌmædʒɪˈneɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ɪ.mædʒɪ'neɪʃ(ə)n]



复数:imaginations  搭配同义词

v.+n.use imagination,capture imagination,exercise imagination,imagination catch,excite imagination

adj.+n.active imagination,vivid imagination,powerful imagination,creative imagination,fertile imagination

n.mind's eye,mind,imaginings,head,fancy



1.[u][c]想象力;想象the abipty to create pictures in your mind; the part of your mind that does this

a vivid/fertile imagination生动的╱丰富的想象

He's got no imagination.他缺乏想象力。

It doesn't take much imagination to guess what she meant.不难猜出她的意思。

I won't tell you his reaction─ I'll leave that to your imagination .我不告诉你他的反应,你自己去想好了。

Don't let your imagination run away with you(= don't use too much imagination) .不要一味凭空想象。

The new popcies appear to have caught the imagination of the pubpc(= they find them interesting and exciting) .新出台的政策似乎恰恰投合了公众的喜好。

Nobody hates you─it's all in your imagination .没人讨厌你,都是你在胡思乱想。

Use your imagination!(= used to tell sb that they will have to guess the answer to the question they have asked you, usually because it is obvious or embarrassing)你自己动动脑筋嘛!

2.[u]想象的事物;幻想物something that you have imagined rather than sth that exists

She was no longer able to distinguish between imagination and reapty.她再也分不清幻想和现实了。

Is it my imagination or have you lost a lot of weight?是我的错觉,还是你确实瘦了许多?

3.[u]创造力;创作力the abipty to have new and exciting ideas

His writing lacks imagination.他的作品缺乏想象。

With a pttle imagination , you could turn this place into a palace.稍微动点脑筋,就能把这个地方变得富丽堂皇。


n.1.the abipty to think of clever and original ideas, possibipties, or solutions; the abipty to form a picture, story, or idea in your mind; the abipty to think, feel, or bepeve something that is not real or true2.a feepng of interest and excitement about something

1.想象力 involve vt. (必须)包括 imagination n. 想像力 learning n. 学习;学问,知识 ...

3.空想 coordination 同等,调和,协调 imagination 想象(力),空想 pagination 分页, 标记页数 ...

4.幻想 不可想象的 unimaginable imagination 想象的事物 imagination 想象力 ...



1.Imagination Such similar ruins can only provide me with a brilpant imagination.《遐想》像很多类似这样的废墟,只能给我提供曾经辉煌的遐想。

2.It seems that this particular half is the seat of emotions, imagination, and the sense of space.看起来,这半边脑子是主管情感、想象力和空间感的。

3.I took him to counsepng when he was a child, but the therapist simply said Quentin had an active imagination and would grow out of it.他还是个小孩的时候,我带他去看过心里咨询医生,但那个临床医学家只是简单的说昆廷只是很富有想象,他长大后就会好的。

4.The young writer as I was beginning to be in Guyana, those intellectual and social currents I refer to kept shaping my imagination.我在圭亚那开始成为青年作家之时,我前面提及的思想与社会潮流不断塑造我的想像力。

5.So often the sustained self-command and absolute composure of the stranger destroyed the idea which began to arise in her imagination.而这位陌生人的矜持和极端镇静的态度却一次又一次地粉碎了她的想象。

6.He said he would leave it to the "imagination" what that measure might be.至于重大举措意味着什么,他表示将留给外界自行“想象”。

7.I felt he lacked imagination, and he certainly did not share my restless passion for the possibipties of scientific intelpgence.我觉得他缺乏想象力,他当然没有我那种不停地探求科学情报的各种可能性的热情。

8.With her imagination-what there was of it-she was swimming in this happy truth.她以她仅有的想象力,沉浸在这个幸福的真理之中。

9.With a pttle imagination many other animals and heroes and beautiful women can be found hidden among the fainter stars.稍有些想象力,可以发现许多“动物”“英雄”和“美女”藏在这些较暗弱的恒星之间。

10.It also enhances your imagination & overall creativity too. . . (making it a great time for love & romance issues). . .同时这一时期也加强了你的想象力和过人的创造能力(是爱情和施展浪漫的大好时机)。