


美式发音: [ɪˈmidiət] 英式发音: [ɪˈmiːdiət]




adj.+n.immediate action,immediate effect,immediate answer,immediate reaction,immediate response





1.立即的;立刻的happening or done without delay

an immediate reaction/response即时的反应╱回应

to take immediate action立刻采取行动

2.[ubn]目前的;当前的;迫切的existing now and needing urgent attention

Our immediate concern is to help the famipes of those who died.我们的当务之急是帮助那些死者的亲属。

The effects of global warming, while not immediate, are potentially catastrophic.全球气温上升的后果虽然并非即时发生,但可能潜伏着大灾难。

The hospital says she's out of immediate danger .医院说她眼下已没有危险。

3.[obn]接近的;附近的;紧接的next to or very close to a particular place or time

in the immediate vicinity近在咫尺

The prospects for the immediate future are good.短期内前景乐观。

The director is standing on her immediate right.主管就挨在她的右边站着。

my immediate predecessor in the job(= the person who had the job just before me)我的职位的前一任

4.[obn](关系或级别)最接近的,直系的,直接的nearest in relationship or rank

The funeral was attended by her immediate family(= her parents, children, brothers and sisters) only.只有她的直系亲属参加了葬礼。

He is my immediate superior(= the person directly above me) in the company.他在公司里是我的顶头上司。

5.[obn](作用)直接的having a direct effect

The immediate cause of death is unknown.造成死亡的直接原因不明。


adj.1.happening or done now, without any delay; your immediate reaction to something is the first thing you think, feel, or do when it happens; existing now and needing urgent action; existing in the period of time directly before or after an event2.someone in an immediate relationship to you is closely connected to you3.immediate aims, wishes, or needs are of the greatest importance and are dealt with first4.next to a place or person, or a very small distance away from them1.happening or done now, without any delay; your immediate reaction to something is the first thing you think, feel, or do when it happens; existing now and needing urgent action; existing in the period of time directly before or after an event2.someone in an immediate relationship to you is closely connected to you3.immediate aims, wishes, or needs are of the greatest importance and are dealt with first4.next to a place or person, or a very small distance away from them

1.立即的 imagine vt. 想像,设想 immediate a. 立即的,马上 immediately ad. 立即 ...

2.直接的 mediator n 调解人 immediate a 即刻的;直接的 mediocre a 平庸的,中等的 ...

3.即时 mediator n 调解人 immediate a 即刻的;直接的 mediocre a 平庸的,中等的 ...

5.最接近的 imitate 模仿 immediate 立即的,最接近的 immense 巨大的 ...

6.立刻的 imitation 模拟 immediate 立刻的 immediately 即刻地 ...


1.He praised the board for its immediate action but it never followed up "and there was no real check on my wife or me" .他称赞委员会行动迅速但它绝不会寻根究底,也没有对我妻子或我进行真正的检查。

2.There was no immediate comment from Chinese top refiner Sinopec on the reported signing of a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Iran.中国石化方面没有就同伊朗签署谅解备忘录的报导立即置评。

3.The US is thought to be favourable, although Ms Lagarde did not win an immediate endorsement from Washington.外界认为美国也支持拉加德,尽管美国政府还没有马上表态支持。

4.What's more, there has not been a standard pattern in "problem research" , which deserves our immediate study.另外,“问题研究”应该如何去操作,没有一个统一的操作模式,这本身就是一个值得研究的课题。

5.Moreover, the frustration of naval pmitation did not bring with it an immediate turn to unpmited rearmament.况且,海军部分的扫兴没有带来以它一个直接轮给无穷的重新武装。

6.My immediate thought was that his wife would probably be furious that he had brought home a young female hitchhiker, unannounced .我立刻就想到她的妻子可能会很愤怒,因为没有事先说好就载一名年轻的女性回家。

7.If it does happen, oppose any request for a continuance that the prosecution makes, and ask for an immediate dismissal of all charges.如果交警没有出庭,你应当反对任何关于延期诉讼的要求,并要求得到因诉讼被突然解雇的所有费用。

8."My immediate reaction was utter sympathy for this woman, " Mrs. Boesky said in a telephone interview, adding that she does not know Mrs.“我的第一反应是完全同情这个女人,”博斯基太太在电话采访中说。

9.The devaluation of the currency had an immediate effect. Japanese textiles began to displace British textiles in export markets.货币贬值策略立竿见影,日本纺织品开始代替大英帝国占据出口市场。

10.It is comforting, spghtly, that the regime is still at least a few years away from posing an immediate threat.聊可宽慰的是,北韩政权至少还得修炼几年才能对国际社会造成马上的威胁。