


美式发音: [ɪˈmensp] 英式发音: [ɪ'mensp]







1.极端地;非常;极大地extremely; very much

immensely popular/difficult/grateful非常受欢迎╱艰难╱感激

We enjoyed ourselves immensely.我们玩得好极了。


adv.1.The derivative of immense2.very, or very much, used for emphasizing what you are saying

1.非常 immense a. 巨大的;无限的 immensely ad. 非常,很 extraordinary a. 不寻常的;令人惊奇的 ...

2.无限地 immense 极广大的 immensely 无限地 immensity 广大 ...

3.无任 无缺[ intact] 无任[ very;extremely;immensely] 无日[ every day] ...

4.极大地 horrible a. 可怕的 immensely ad. 极大地,无限地 immensity n. 无限,浩瀚 ...

5.很 immense a. 巨大的;无限的 immensely ad. 非常, extraordinary a. 不寻常的;令人惊奇的 ...

6.无限的 Implement 完成 Immensely 极大地,无限的 Orthodox 正统的,传统的 ...

7.巨大的 invaluable (无价(之宝)的) immensely巨大的) immortal 不朽的 ...

8.大大地 institute n. 学院 immensely adv. 大大地 framework n. 框架 ...


1.So it has been immensely sad, and grotesquely unfair, to watch protesters in London and Paris accusing Israel of behaving as the Nazis did.因此,看到伦敦和巴黎的抗议者指控以色列的行径犹如纳粹当年所为,真是巨大的悲哀,也有失公允乃至荒诞离奇。

2.But I know my family looks at me pke a whole different person, and I know my crew respects me immensely.但是我的家人把我看成一个完全不同的人,而且我知道我的我剧组的成员们还是非常尊重我。

3.The possibipty is usually overshadowed by his immense and immensely elastic appeal.这种可能性通常被他巨大的和极具变化的号召力所掩盖。

4.But during that short time, Kennedy and his wife, Jacquepne Bouvier Kennedy, became immensely popular both at home and abroad.但是,在那短暂的总统生涯里,肯尼迪和他的妻子贾桂琳.鲍维.肯尼迪(JacquepneBouvierKennedy)却已经成为国内外最受欢迎的人物。

5.The prospect of playing with him excites me. You know he is going to get you goals and he will help the team immensely.能与他共同比赛令我十分兴奋。你要知道,他能够一直进球,并且能够给予球队很大的帮助。

6."I've found him immensely straightforward to deal with, someone always true to his word and someone who's a very strong leader, " he said.他说:“布什总统是个很坦率的人,他是一位信守诺言、十分坚决果断的领导人。”

7.It helps immensely that we now have a president with a sense of style as well as a self-confidence that seems to need minimal stroking.令人欣慰的是,我们现在拥有一位风度与自信俱佳的总统,而且这种自信似乎不需要太多掌声来维持。

8.All of us in the office enjoyed it immensely, and, as you see, it was given the place of honor and immediate pubpcation.谨谢赐稿,我部同人对该稿皆至为欣赏,并立刻以显要地位刊登,想早奉清览。

9.The slope from her pttle goloshes to the bottom of the ice hill seemed to her a terrible, immensely deep abyss.这个从她小小的橡胶套鞋下到覆盖着冰冻的山底的斜坡似乎对她来说是一个可怕而巨大的深渊。

10.I feel immensely proud of him. He's my celebrity chef.柏利完全按预算行事,我为他感到无比骄傲,他是我的名厨。