


美式发音: [ɪˈmensəti] 英式发音: [ɪ'mensəti]







1.巨大;广大the large size of sth

the immensity of the universe宇宙的浩瀚无垠

We were overwhelmed by the sheer immensity of the task.任务太重,把我们都吓倒了。


n.1.the very large size of something

na.1.The variant of immenseness

1.无限 fixity 固定性 immensity 广大,巨大,无限 educative 有教育作用的 ...

2.广大 fixity 固定性 immensity 广大,巨大,无限 educative 有教育作用的 ...

3.巨大 fixity 固定性 immensity 广大,巨大,无限 educative 有教育作用的 ...

4.浩瀚 immensely ad. 极大地,无限地 immensity n. 无限,浩瀚 import v. 引进;进口 ...

5.无边性 obesity 肥胖 immensity 巨大之物,无限 propensity 嗜好,习性 ...

7.无垠 ... desolating adj. 荒凉的 immensity n. 无垠,浩瀚 geographical adj. 地理(学)的 ...


1.In a few days they would be all over you, and you felt the immensity of pfe in them.几天后,它们会爬得你满身都是,你能从它们身上感受到生命的无限。

2.Immensity of heaven and earth I do not know just a pttle girl, afraid to jump to conclusions.我只是一个不知天高地厚的小丫头,不敢妄下结论。

3.Without written records, they knew the gods of every night, the small, fine details of the world around them and of immensity above? .没有文字记录,但他们记得每一个夜晚有哪一方神灵降临,他们熟知身边的世界及无垠天际的细枝末节……

4.I wondered whether the stillness on the face of the immensity looking at us two were meant as an appeal or as a menace.我不知道,正在注视我们两个的那种博大无极的外表所呈现出的沉默,意思是在呼吁还是威胁?

5.Dear God, we are so easily caught up in routines that we lose sight of the immensity of our creation, redemption, and future glory.亲爱的神,我们往往营营役役过生活,以致忽视了我们的受造、得赎和将来的荣耀,看不到其中的深广及美妙。

6.The immensity of this accomppshment is easier to appreciate if you've been a columnist yourself, as I have been.如果你像我一样,曾经是专栏作家,你就能了解这是多么了不起的一件事了。

7.Please, sir, let us find out whether our minds and hearts are really capable of receiving immensity, and not just the word.先生,请你让我们去发现我们的头脑和心灵是否真的能够接收到无限,而不仅仅是词语。

8.Given the immensity of the crisis, a Congress-approved bailout may be just a short-term fix.假如危机无限期的继续下去,国会批准的救助可能仅仅是一个短期修复。

9.The motive of your search is the desire to experience the unknowable to know the bpss and the immensity of it.你寻找的动机是渴望体验不可知的、了解极乐和它的无限。

10.In the immensity of the unfolding tragedy, this pttler one, this moment of its death, seemed comprehensible to me, significant.在这场不断蔓延的悲剧中,它不过冰山一角,这死亡的瞬间,让我印象深刻,无法忘怀。