


美式发音: [ˌɪmɪˈɡreɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [.ɪmɪ'ɡreɪʃ(ə)n]



复数:immigrations  搭配同义词

adj.+n.illegal immigration,canadian immigration,Mass immigration

v.+n.curb immigration




1.移居(入境);移民人数the process of coming to pve permanently in a country that is not your own; the number of people who do this

laws restricting immigration into the US美国限制外来移民的法律

a rise/fall in immigration移民人数的增加╱减少

immigration officers移民局官员

2.移民局检查站the place at a port, an airport, etc. where the passports and other documents of people coming into a country are checked

to go through immigration通过移民局检查


n.1.the process in which people enter a country in order to pve there permanently; relating to immigration and the rules that control it; the place, for example at an airport, where you show your passport and are officially allowed into a country. You go through immigration when you do this.

1.移民 健康 |Health 移民 |Immigration 广告|Advertising ...

2.入境检查 kingdom 王国;2.领域 immigration 移居;外来的移民 foreigner 外国人 ...

4.外来的移民 kingdom 王国;2.领域 immigration 移居;外来的移民 foreigner 外国人 ...

5.移民局 迁出, 移居国外 emigration 迁入, 移居某国 immigration 移民 migrant ...

7.移民入境 elective adj. 可任意选择的n.选修科目 immigration n. 移民入境 immigrant n. 移民,侨民 ...


1.He has no plans for tougher immigration or asylum controls, and is proud that his government made it legal for asylum-seekers to work.对于移民和收容所管理,他没有更强硬的计划,他为其政府使得庇护寻求者工作合法化而骄傲。

2.If It does not ga? tea? guarantee that emigration an immigration officer will permit permit you to enter the country.但也并不表明移民局关于允许你进入这个国家。

3.So in June, when Alabama passed the nation's most draconian anti-immigration law, it struck many observers as a bit of an overreaction.所以在今年六月,当亚拉巴马州出台全国最为严厉的反移民法案后,许多观察者为此感到震惊,认为此项法案有些过激。

4.Immigration may be another issue ready to outgrow existing partisan boundaries.另一个就是超出现有党派界限的移民问题。

5.China has not been a country of immigration: its ethnic diversity has come from expanding borders rather than inward migration.中国从未成为过移民国家:它的族群多样性来自于其宽广的疆域而非外来移民。谁才是真正的中国人?

6.The immigration figures cover only those staying in the UK for at least a year.移民统计数据仅涉及那些至少在英国居住一年的居民。

7.Some of the issues are hold over from his first term, trying to lower the country's debt, working on immigration reform .有些问题来自于他的第一个任期,比如试图降低该国的债务,致力于移民改革等。

8.He said an immigration officer told him his name was on a watchpst.他表示,一名移民局官员告诉他,他的姓名上了一份监控名单。

9.America has at least four separate immigration problems to contend with, and on only one of them is there any progress.(就目前来说)美国至少要解决四个相互独立的移民问题,但却只有一个稍有进展。

10.The White House argues that it is possible for Congress to proceed with both immigration and energy in this session.白宫则坚持称,在本届国会任期内,仍有可能继续推动能源与移民改革。