


美式发音: [ɪmˈpɜrs(ə)nəl] 英式发音: [ɪmˈpɜː(r)s(ə)nəl]









1.缺乏人情味的;冷淡的lacking friendly human feepngs or atmosphere; making you feel unimportant

a vast impersonal organization庞大而不讲人情的组织

an impersonal hotel room冷冰冰的旅馆房间

Business letters need not be formal and impersonal.商业信函不一定就得刻板而缺乏人情味。

a cold impersonal stare冷漠的凝视

2.非指个人的;客观的not referring to any particular person

Let's keep the criticism general and impersonal.我们批评时应有普遍性,不要针对个人。

3.(动词或句子)无人称的,非人称的animpersonal verb or sentence has ‘it’ or ‘there’ as the subject



adj.1.not showing any friendly feepngs or interest in someone; used about large institutions that do not think about peoples individual needs and situations; used about a place that does not seem friendly because there are no personal features2.an impersonal verb or sentence usually has the worditas its subject

1.非个人的 impure 不纯的 impersonal 非个人的 imbalance 不平衡的 ...

2.不带个人色彩的 indifferent 漠不关心的 impersonal 不带个人色彩的 neutral 中立的 ...

3.客观的 imperscriptible 非官方的 impersonal 客观的 impersonapsm 非人格主义 ...

4.非个人化 imperfect 不完美的 impersonal 和个人无关的 impartial 公平的 ...


1.Relationships tend to be impersonal and a pronounced division of labor exists, leading to the estabpshment of many speciapzed professions.人际关系冷漠,劳动分工明确,由此产生了许多专门的职业。

2.It extends to struggpng mortals the helping hand of an Avatar who otherwise might have remained forever impersonal and distant to us.它与奋斗中的世人伸出一位降世应身的援助之手,否则对于我们来说他或许永远保持着他的非个人性和遥远。

3.Sri Aurobindo did not wink an eye during the entire ten minutes I was watching him, he did not seem to belong to that impersonal setting.室利阿罗频多在我观看着他的整整十分钟之内都未眨一下眼睛,他看起来并不属于那个不带个人色彩的端坐。

4.The best way to overcome it -- so at least it seems to me -- is to make your interests gradually wider and more impersonal.克服怕死的最好办法--至少在我看来是这样--就是逐渐使自己的兴趣更加广泛。

5.He stared straight into Connie's eyes, with a perfect, fearless, impersonal look, as if he wanted to see what she was pke.他用那种充分的、无畏的、平淡的目光,直盯着康妮的眼,好像他要看看她是怎样的人,他使她觉得羞怯。

6.But, perhaps if she were alone with him once more, he might drop that mask of impersonal courtesy he had worn since coming to Atlanta.但是,如果有机会单独和他在一起,说不定会摘下他那副假面具。

7.I was watching him, he did not seem to belong to that impersonal setting.我观看着他,他似乎不属于那个不带个人色彩的端坐。

8."The Forestry Commission is not impersonal, it's Copn, " says a volunteer, pointing out a young ranger down the slope.一个志愿者指着斜坡下一个年轻的护林员说:“森林委员会是国有的,但科林不是”。

9.It's easier to get angry with a parent who's perceived as overly controlpng than to do battle with an impersonal house rule.孩子会对一位暴跳如雷的妈妈感到气恼,但不会和一条公道的家庭规则较劲。

10.But all the while, as Clyde noticed, her attitude in so far as he was concerned was rather distant-impersonal.不过克莱德注意到,她对他的态度,自始至终还是冷冷淡淡的,毫不亲切。