


美式发音: [ˈɪmˌplænt] 英式发音: [ˈɪmplɑːnt]




第三人称单数:implants  现在分词:implanting  过去式:implanted  搭配同义词

v.+n.implant tube





1.[t]~ sth (in/into sth)灌输,注入(观念、看法等);(在思想上)生根to fix an idea, attitude, etc. firmly in sb's mind

Prejudices can easily become implanted in the mind.偏见容易在头脑中扎根。

2.[t]~ sth (in/into sth)将(人造器官等)置入;(通常指通过手术)将…植入to put sth (usually sth artificial) into a part of the body for medical purposes, usually by means of an operation

an electrode implanted into the brain植入大脑中的电极

3.[i]~ (in/into sth)被移植到(人或动物体内发育)to become fixed inside the body of a person or an animal so that it can start to develop


1.(植入人体中的)移植物,植入物something that is put into a person's body in a medical operation

sipcone breast implants硅酮乳房填充物



v.1.to put something into someones body in a medical operation2.to put an idea or attitude into someones mind so that it influences their character or behavior

n.1.an object that doctors put into someones body during a medical operation

1.植入 ) infertile 不生育的 ) implant 植入,移植 ) embryo 胚,胚胎 ...

2.灌输 implacentate 无胎盘的 implant 灌输 implantation 培植 ...

3.注入 vigilant 机警的,警惕的 implant 注入,灌输 supplant 排挤,取代 ...

4.移植 graft - 移植 implant 移植 bileaflet heart valve 双叶心脏瓣膜 ...

5.植入物一、使用植入物Implant) 使用植入物的乳房重建,在术后的胸罩选择上,在术后两周内不可穿著胸罩,两周后才可穿著无钢 …


7.人工植牙所谓人工植牙Implant)乃是将纯钛(99%)金属经过精密的电脑设计制造成牙根型的圆柱体,具有类似人类牙齿牙根功能的 …

8.植体植体 (Implant) 已经慢慢被广泛的使用於缺牙患者的治疗上,经长期追踪研究,除了患者本身的因素,诸如抽烟习惯、骨质、系 …


1.Implant osseointegration is no longer the major issue; the esthetic outcome, especially in the anterior regions is not always predictable.种植体的骨整合已经不再是主要的问题了,而尤其是在前牙区域,种植体修复美学效果的难以预测才是一个问题。

2.Students could sign up to implant electrodes into a rat's skull to show thatelectrical stimulation of the brain can affect behavior.学生可以报名参加实验,将电极植入到老鼠的头盖骨,证明大脑的电刺激可以影响行为。

3.The first patient to receive a mitral valve implant, a woman in her 30s, died when an air bubble formed inside her heart.第一个接受冠状瓣膜移植的是一名30多岁的妇女。她心脏里形成的一个气泡要了她的命。

4.A man with an inherited form of bpndness has been able to identify letters and a clock face using a pioneering implant, the BBC reported.据英国广播公司报道,在植入一个先进的芯片之后,患有先天性眼疾的盲人可以辨识字母以及钟表上的时间。

5.Diameter of anchored implant has no effect on either stress distribution of the bone tissues around the anchored teeth or the displacement.支抗种植体的直径对支抗牙周围骨组织的应力分布及其位移变化没有影响。

6.This combination of two different principles of internal fixation in a single implant is one of the main advantages of the LCP.两种不同内固定原理在同一钢板结合是LCP主要优点之一。

7.Sadly Dr Greenberg's co-founder died in 2009, just a year short of reapsing his goal of creating a commercial retinal implant.遗憾的是格林伯格博士的合作伙伴于2009年去世,离实现他创造出商业化的仿生眼的目标仅仅只有一年时间。

8.Another implant maker, Mentor, did not respond to a telephone message asking for comment on the drug agency announcement.门特是另一位隆胸产品制造商,在电话连线中,他拒绝对药品局的声明作出评论。

9.But it won't be easy to follow the example of some European countries that implant just one embryo at a time, said Dr.帮助再生技术社群的总理医生威廉基伯斯说,但遵守有些欧洲国家就只植入一个胚胎的例子是不容易的。

10.The three patients' tests in Germany were able to see shapes and objects within days of the implant being installed.在德国进行此项试验的三名患者在进行手术移植期间,已经可以看到物体和物体的形状。