


美式发音: [ɪmˈpɑstər] 英式发音: [ɪmˈpɒstə(r)]



单数:impostor  复数:impostors  同义词反义词

n.the real McCoy




n.1.someone who pretends to be someone else, in order to trick people

1.冒名顶替者 altercation 争论, 争吵... imposter 冒名顶替者, 骗子 ... ...

2.骗子 gauge 标准规格 imposter 骗子 faddish 流行一时的 ...

3.伪装者 空壳公司 a shelf company 冒充他人的骗子 imposter 冒牌货 reppcas ...

5.强殖入侵不过相对於银翼杀手(Blade Runner)、强殖入侵(imposter)这些片子来说至少看过的人要多很多)在这里被玩的很彻底魔鬼终结 …


1.It was my third day at Melwood but I still felt pke a bit of an imposter driving through the gates and parking up in the visitor bays!这是我在梅尔伍德的第三天,但当我穿过大门把车停在游客停车场时,我还是觉得我是个冒牌货。

2.He's so far off being the player of the last two seasons that he may just be an imposter planted by United, part of the "conspiracy" .他和上两季的表现实在差天共地,以令我认为他可能是‘阴谋论’的一部份––由曼联派来的卧底。

3.Her cousin was able to quickly contact Western Union and cancel the transfer before the money was picked up by the imposter in London.她堂兄得以迅速联系西联国际汇款公司,在伦敦的骗子提款前取消了转账。

4.But by synthesizing imposter messengers, scientists have been able to block the activity of some of the body's natural couriers .不过藉由合成假冒的信使,科学家可以阻断身体里一些天然传讯者的活性。

5.In this case, the server-side authentication lets you know that you really are connected to your bank and not some look-apke imposter.在此情况下,服务器端身份验证让您能够知道已确实连接到了您的银行,而不是某个貌似的钓鱼网站。

6.Within five minutes of uploading, Marc sent me an email. I thought he was an imposter.片子上传不到5分钟,马克就发了封邮件给我,我还以为他是假冒的呢。

7.The imposter's secret came out when a missing year was noticed in his record.履历中缺少一年暴露了冒名顶替者的秘密。

8.(At the first session, one attorney demanded a DNA test to prove that the man in the cage was indeed Mr Mubarak, and not an imposter).(在首次开庭时,曾有律师要求进行DNA测试以证实笼子中的人的确是穆巴拉克本人)。

9.cheat, deceiver, fake, faker, fraud, imposter, impostor, pretender, pseud, pseudo, role player, sham, shammer.假冒者,假冒者,骗子,冒名顶替者,冒名顶替者,冒牌货,骗子,骗子。

10.Another individual from the same town as the imposter pretended to be Cleverley's bodyguard.同一城镇的另外一人假扮是克莱维利的保镖。