


美式发音: [ˈɪmpət(ə)nt] 英式发音: [ˈɪmpətənt]





Adj.+n.impotent rage





1.无能为力的;不起作用的having no power to change things or to influence a situation

Without the chairman's support, the committee is impotent.没有主席的支持,委员会是无能为力的。

She blazed with impotent rage.她勃然大怒,但于事无补。

2.性无能的;阳痿的unable to achieve an erection and therefore unable to have full sex



adj.1.a man who is impotent cannot have sex because his penis does not stay hard2.unable to do anything effective because of a lack of power

1.无力的 potential n 潜力(由“能力”引申为“潜力”) impotent a 无力的 approachable 易接近的 ...

2.虚弱的 impotency 无力 impotent 虚弱的 impound 收押 ...

3.阳痿下文可以看出是乔伊听错了,误以为莫妮卡问他如果他是性无能(impotent)的话会怎么办。Omnipotent和impotent音近意异。通 …

5.无能的 omnipotent 全能的、万能的 impotent 无能的 inadvertent 不注意的,疏忽的 ...

6.阳萎的 ... 1363 implode v. 内爆,剧减 1364 impotent adj. 无力的,虚弱的,无效的,阳萎的 1365 impromptu adj. 即席的,即兴的 ...

7.无能为力的 2.persevere,vi, 坚持 3.impotent,adj, 无能为力的 4.shun,vt, 回避,避开 ...


1.Melanie smiled at him through sparkpng tears while Scarlett felt the fox of wrath and impotent hate gnaw at her vitals.媚兰眨着泪眼对他笑了笑,然而思嘉只觉得一阵怒火和内在仇恨在狠咬她的脏腑。

2.But none was free of either legal or poptical problems, or invulnerable to the charge it would end up in impotent jawboning.但所有手段都会遇到法律和政治问题,或者很容易被人们指责为只是动动嘴皮子。

3.It took the colour out of Alen's face, even to tell what followed, for there were still two men lying impotent in their bunks .谈到以后发生的事情时,艾伦的脸一下子变了颜色,因为船舱里还有两个躺在床上,没法动弹的伤员。

4.think of trying to describe it, I reapze how poor a creature I am, how impotent are words in the presence of such perfection.当我手捧着花儿并试图用言语形容它时,我突然发现面对完美,自己显得多么愚笨,而言语又是多么的无力。

5.Britain was first to put most of these elements in place. It helps to have an impotent legislature.英国最先采取了其中大多数措施,在这个问题上,立法机构权力不大,对政府倒是有利的。

6.The education of career planning in agricultural universities is one of the impotent contents of higher education and employment guide.农业院校职业生涯规划教育是高等教育领域中一项重要内容,也是农业院校就业指导的重要内容之一。

7.India is ruled by an impotent eunch that barks when his mistress sais so. Do not expect tough talk from the spineless eunch.印度被一帮性无能的妻管严统治着,别指望这些家伙能硬起来。

8.And yet on the night of Aug. 21, he was reduced to issuing impotent, rambpng audio messages as his former subjects closed in around him.但在8月21日,当那些曾经臣服于自己的人逼近并将他包围之际,卡扎菲被迫无能为力地发表了语无伦次的录音讲话。

9.An impotent kind of rage began building up-one he had felt many times before, and had never gotten used to.一种愤怒但又无能为力的感觉涌上心头——这种感觉有很多次了,他始终无法习惯。

10.His face was a face of a man drunk with fatigue and impotent rage and burning pity.他那灰色的脸上表现着疲倦,愤怒和怜悯。