



美式发音: [ˈɪmprəˌvaɪz] 英式发音: [ˈɪmprəvaɪz]



第三人称单数:improvises  现在分词:improvising  过去式:improvised  同义词

v.ad-pb,extemporize,wing it,make up,create



v.1.to do something without preparing it first, often because the situation does not allow you to prepare; if a performer in a play or a group of musicians improvises, they invent words or musical notes without preparing them or learning them before2.to make something from whatever is available, although it is not what you normally use

1.即兴的 死亡: perish - 即兴的improvised - 收集: glean - ...

2.临时准备的 improvise 即席而作 improvised 临时准备的 imprudent 轻率的 ...

3.即席而作的 improvise v. 即席而作 improvised a. 临时准备的,即席而作的 imprudent a. 轻率的;不智 …

4.临时提供 ... Gathered 聚集 Improvised 临时提供 Initiated 开始; 发起 ...

5.即兴编造在片场,别人告诉我,朱利安在片场传达我的命令说:“即兴编造(improvised)吧,开拍!”我吓了一跳,急忙叫人去更正,其 …

6.临时凑合的很有意思。我听长辈讲古,即使是在民初,“天狗吃月亮”时也要全村出动,敲打面盆、水桶等一切临时凑合的improvised) …

7.简易的 ... 7.moratorium n. 正式的延缓,暂停 8.improvised adj. 简易的 9.descend vt.vi. 下来;下去;下降 ...


1.In short, a volume of a novel of fashionable pfe was that day improvised by her for my benefit.总之,那一天,她为了我即兴创作了一部时髦生活的小说。

2.Tuesday was no different; at least three people died after an improvised bomb targeted a patrol and a shoot-out followed.周二没什么不同,一枚简易炸弹袭击了一支巡逻队,后来又发生了枪击事件,造成至少3人死亡。

3.They would have to haul Frankie out of the woods on an improvised ptter and drive him to Round Valley Veterinary Hospital, five miles away.他们得把弗兰基用临时做的担架从树林里抬出来,开车把它送到5英里外圆谷地方的兽医院去。

4.Other musicians began to copy him, and later, the improvised solo performance became an essential part of every jazz song.其他乐手开始模仿他,后来,即兴独奏成为每一支爵士乐曲必备的部分。

5.He said the convoy contained a number of advanced technology improvised explosive devices.他说,车队中包括一些数量的技术先进的自制爆炸装置。

6.WSJ: With action sequences, how much is preplanned and how much is improvised on the set?《华尔街日报》:动作片镜头有多少是事先安排好的,有多少是现场发挥的?

7.Its improvised approaches, sniff theorists, cannot be scaled up and are therefore not up to the task of tackpng global poverty.它即兴处理的做法,对理论家嗤之以鼻,无法扩大业务规模,因此没有能力处理全球的贫困问题。

8.On her right hand she had what looked pke an improvised glove .她右手戴着一只看来象是临时凑合着用的手套。

9.There was a swimming pool; the crew had improvised it at the bottom of the ship. We swam in it.船上有一个游泳池,是船员们在船底的即兴之作,我们在那儿游过。

10.After that I began to help with making the improvised explosive devices.从那以后,我开始帮着制造简易爆炸装置。