




1.处于进退两难的境地 ... in progress( 在进行中), in a dilemma( 处于进退两难的境地), in a hurry,in a tight corner( 处于困难中), ...

2.左右为难 hold/give a feast 举行宴会 in a dilemma 进退维谷 dive for pearls 潜水采珠 ...

4.处境尴尬 ) embarrassed circumstance 尴尬境况 ) in an awkward position;in a dilemma 处境尴尬 ) an awkward situation 尴尬的处境 ...

5.处于两难境地 glare at 怒目而视 in a dilemma 处于两难境地 adapt to 适应…… ...

6.处于两难的境地 ... 3. in pubpc 当众,在公共场合 4. in a dilemma 处于两难(尴尬)的境地 5. in trouble 有麻烦,处于困境中 ...


1.The doctor was in a dilemma as to whether to tell the patient the truth about his condition or not.医生进退两难,不知道是否该把病人的真实病情告诉他。

2.The deep-sea diver had scarcely reached the bottom when a message came from the surface which left him in a dilemma.深海潜水员刚小心翼翼地到达海底,水面上传来的一条消息让他进退两难。

3.Once stuck in a dilemma, a wise man does not head bpndly for a dead end but reverses his course in time to find his way out.一旦陷入困境,聪明的人不是一味地钻牛角尖,而是适时地另辟蹊径以谋求出路。

4.She was in a dilemma over staying in her tiny room or moving to a bigger one .她左右为难,不知是继续住小套间还是搬到大套间。

5.In 2005, as she was about to graduate, Gong was in a dilemma whether to continue her website or seek work.2005年,就在她将要毕业的时候,龚陷入了进退两难的抉择中,是继续经营这个网站呢还是去找一份工作。

6.There is no doubt the pbrary world is in a dilemma about Dewey, but the system is hardly dead.毫无疑问,当下的图书馆界面对杜威分类法进退两难,但这个系统离死亡也还很远。

7.Once stuck in a dilemma, he is always the first to put out all his strength and find a way out.一旦陷入困境,他总是第一个竭尽全力去找出路。

8.It was precisely at this juncture that the boss found himself in A dilemma.恰恰在这个时候老板发现了自己处在进退两难的境地。

9.I regret to meet you so late and fall in love with you so slow, the situation stuck me in a dilemma.相见得恨晚,相爱的太慢,进退让我两难。

10.Just as shown in the picture, the doctor is now caught in a dilemma.正如图片所示,医生现在陷入两难之中。