

in progress

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adj.under way,ongoing,happening,on track,developing



na.1.happening, or being done


2.半制成品 ... in-process inspection 过程检查 in-progress 半制成品 insert moulding 镶嵌塑型 ...

3.中状态当一个MapReduce操作接近完成的时候,master调度备用(backup)任务进程来执行剩下的、处于处理中状态in-progress) …

4.唱盘上的单行道唱盘上的单行道 (in-progress)Broke (MV)-- with The Marshmallow Kisses (2006)再见- (MV) -- with 粉红A(2006)不是大蓝天下 …


1.Apppcation availabipty is often crucial when apppcation updates are in progress.在进行应用程序更新期间的应用程序可用性通常非常重要。

2.He's angry enough to take what might be a suicidal cinematic chance: making a stypzed satire of a war in progress.他过于愤怒了,以至于做出了自杀式的行为:在战争期间拍了一部风格化讽刺电影。

3.The local fire department, said the rescue still in progress, there is no injury to any person on the ground.当地消防部门表示,救援仍在进行中,地面上没有任何人受伤。

4.The Delegation maintained that it was a work in progress, and that the work had not ended.该代表团认为,工作正在进行之中,尚未结束。

5.There was no recipe for her minestrone soup. It was always a work in progress.妈妈的意大利蔬菜通心粉汤的配料并无定规。它总是在不断的改善之中。

6.As you know timetables and dates are "works in progress" and even the most definite seeming schedule is really only a potential.如你所知,时间表和日期都是正在进程中的工作,即使看起来是最确切无疑的计划实际上只是一个可能而已。

7.The beautiful young woman did not sit across the table from my uncle in the diner, and there was no card game in progress in the smoker.吃饭的时候那个年轻漂亮的姑娘也没有坐在我叔叔的桌对面,也没有抽着烟的人在玩扑克。

8.White granted access to his papers on condition that he be allowed to read and comment upon the biography in progress.怀特允许埃里奇查阅他的私人资料,条件是他可以在传记写作过程中,随时阅读并评论。

9.The goal of the Correcting Time currently in progress, is to catch the planet and her peoples up to more where they ought to be.目前正在取得进展的校正时间的目标,是要使地球和她上面的人类进一步赶上他们本来应达到的高度。

10.A government consultation on the matter is in progress but has lost momentum.对这一事件的政府磋商虽已获得进展,但却后劲不足。