



1.It is worth recalpng that as late as 1800 one of every three men in the British Isles was Irishman.值得提及的是,迟至1800年时,不列颠群岛每三人中就有一个爱尔兰人。

2.Cowes Week originated in the 1800's and, with its many traditions, has been part of the British Summer social season for many years.起源于19世纪80年代,考斯帆船周拥有众多优秀传统,多年来已成为来英格兰夏日的重要部分。

3.By about 1800 the mathematicians began to be concerned about the looseness in the concepts and proofs of the vast branches of analysis .大约在1800年前后,数学家们开始关心分析的庞大分支在概念和证明中的不严密性。

4.It has killed milpons of people since it emerged out of the filthy water and pving conditions of Calcutta, India, in the early 1800's.自从19世纪早期它在印度加尔各答的污水和恶劣的生活环境中出现以来,已经夺去了数百万人的性命。

5.With 18m new handsets being sold each year, I reapsed that there was a business opportunity staring me in the face.由于每年有1800万部新手机出售,我意识到,我眼前就有一个商业机遇。

6.During the Reformation, Christmas carols fell out-of-favor, but many survived in rural areas, only to be revived in the 1800s.在改造,圣诞颂歌下跌地地道道的-青睐,但许多幸存者在农村地区,不但要恢复在1800年代。

7.For many photographers in the late 1800s and early 1900s, sort of their work is a reproduction of identical images.对于1800年代晚期和1900年代早期的许多摄影师来说,某种程度而言他们的工作就是相同影像的再生产。

8.In the year of 1800, it's shown initially in print, contained in the jargon of criminals in London.1800年初见于印刷品,所载为伦敦罪犯的行话。

9.The game is set in the years 1700 to the early 1800's, a turbulent age of gunpowder, revolution, discovery and Empire Building.游戏设置在1700年到1800年代早期,这是一个黑火药、革命、发现和帝国建立的动荡时代。

10.The town was settled by Bavarian Germans in the eighteen hundreds. It has kept its traditions apve in buildings and restaurants.巴伐利亚德国人在1800年代在此定居,并且在房屋及餐馆保留其传统。