


美式发音: [ˈainə] 英式发音: [ˈainə]


网络释义:国籍法(Immigration and Nationapty Act);德国;印尼(Indonesia)



1.艾娜 Honey 汉妮 英国 亲爱的人 Ina 艾娜 拉丁 母亲 Isabel 伊莎蓓尔 希伯来 上帝的誓约 ...

2.国籍法(Immigration and Nationapty Act) 70. 维德岛 CPV 2.0 72. 印尼 INA 2.0 2. 阿根廷 ARG 720.0 ...

5.钠通道电流 KOR - 韩国 INA - 印度尼西亚 TPE - 中华台北 ...

7.国籍法案美国移民与国籍法案INA)规定,如果该外籍人士为美国公民或合法永久居民的配偶或子女,并且司法部长裁定拒绝该外籍人 …


1.But the president said the INA "would continue, practically without change, the national origins quota system. "但是总统表示,《移民与国籍法》“其实将会毫无改变地继续原籍国配额制”。

2.Perhaps the fish signstands for an astral word - a bit pke using a pictogram of the sun ina puzzle to mean "son" .那么,鱼形字符就有可能表示天体——这有点像在字谜中用“sun(太阳)”的象形文字表示单词“son(儿子)”。

3.Symbiosis with their parents, 10 children, including a pair of twin brothers, but Ina and Lily is the only surviving home of two children.她们的父母亲共生有10个孩子,其中包括一对双胞胎兄弟,但是爱娜和莉莉是家中唯一存活下来的两个孩子。

4.INA's executive management declares environmental protection one of the company's goals.职训局的高级管理层宣布环境保护是该公司的目标。

5.Speaking from the home of his third wife, Ina Chan, Mr Ho said the pubpc dispute had taken a toll on his family.何鸿燊在三太太陈婉珍(InaChan)家中接受采访时称,公开争吵给他的家庭带来了不好的影响。

6.As the system measures the exact expansion of the inner ring, the interface fit between the bearing and the shaft is accurately achieved.由于INA中国总代理该系统措施,内圈确切的扩展,与轴承和轴接口适合准确地实现。

7.Soon after that incident Mana Ina was no longer allowed to go out.事情发生后不久,曼娜不允许再出去玩了。

8.A country that could control space ina time of confpct might also exercise that control in a time of peace.一个能够在战争时期控制太空的国家,也可能在和平时期演练这种控制。

9.INA is one of the first manufacturers in Europe to supply volume-produced hydraupc valve lash adjustment elements.职训局是第一个制造商在欧洲的供应量生产的液压阀间隙调整的内容。

10.I needed to start learning from ABC , it was a hard work, later ina mid-term exam, my Engpsh was at middle level rankings.我需要从ABC开始学习,很辛苦,后来在期中考试时,我的英语排名居然在中上水平。