




1.印加人边地区发展出高度的文明,如马雅文明(Mayas),印加文明(Incas),阿兹特克文明(Aztecs),有著复杂的社会,并在科学上作 …

4.印加族人五百万人口秘鲁的首都,居民三百万左右,半数是印第安印加族人(Incas),四成是西班牙人与土著混血,其余是纯种西班牙人 …

5.印加帝国 西班牙殖民统治 French colonization 玛雅 Incas 地理 Indigenous languages ...


1.Scholars have variously theorized it was the birthplace of the Incas, a private estate, and a spiritual destination.科学家有不同的理论,这个城市作为一个神秘的地点而存在,是Incas的发源地,也是一个精神朝拜的地方。

2.Machu Picchu is probably the most familiar symbol of the Inca Empire. It is often referred to as "The Lost City of the Incas" .马丘比丘可能是印加政权最为人所知的象征,常被称为“印加失落的古城”。

3.Today "the lost city of the Incas" reaches across the centuries to give us a glimpse of this unique culture.今天,经历了几个世纪沧桑的“印加迷失之城”,使我们得以一窥它独特的文化。

4.In the early sixteenth century, when the Incas built Machu Picchu they were at the peak of their power ruling a large south American empire.16世纪初,印加人建造马丘•比丘古城时,他们统治着一个巨大的南美帝国,正处于鼎盛时期。

5.The Incas adopted and improved the agricultural advances of previous highland cultures, and gave special importance to maize production.印加人在过去高山文化基础上应用并促进了农业的进步,特别注重玉米的生产。

6.Centuries later, it allowed the Incas to farm maize in the high mountains, providing a grain surplus that let their civilisation take off.几个世纪之后,印加人开始在高山上种植玉米,提供了大量谷物盈余来让他们的文明起飞。

7.Meticulous9 planning and engineering meant the Incas wanted their powerful stone structures to stand the test of time.精心的规划和施工说明,印加人希望他们充满威力的石头建筑可以经受住时间的考验。

8.Cocoa trees were being grown by the Aztecs of Mexico and the Incas of Peru when the Europeans discovered central America.欧洲人发现中美洲时,可可树由墨西哥的阿芝特克人和秘鲁的印加人所种植。

9.This mountain retreat is built high in the Andes and is sometimes called the "Lost city of the Incas. "这个世外桃源建在高高的安第斯山上,有时候被称作“印加文明失落的城市”。

10.In the 15th century, the Incas ruled the biggest empire South America had ever seen, but their fabulous cities of gold had humble origins.15世纪,印加人统治着南美最大的王国,但是这个美轮美奂的黄金之城的起源却非常卑微。