


美式发音: [ˈɪnˌsest] 英式发音: [ˈɪnsest]





1.乱伦;血亲相奸sexual activity between two people who are very closely related in a family, for example, a brother and sister, or a father and daughter


n.1.sexual activity between people who are closely related, such as a parent and child or a brother and sister

1.乱伦 Handjob 女以手助男射精 Incest 乱伦 Interracial 跨种族 ...

2.近亲相奸 incandescent adj . 白热的, 热烈的 incest n. 近亲相奸, 乱伦 incestuous a. 近亲相奸的, 乱伦的 ...

3.乱伦罪 ... 近亲交配 inbreeding 近亲性交 incest 近亲相奸 incest ...

5.乱伦一词10岁左右的女童怀孕生子的消息,据悉应该都跟强暴或近亲乱伦incest)有关,这也凸显了女性地位在很多国家依旧相当低 …

7.乱伦的叫奥雷里亚诺 ”。小宝还说了一句:“你知道吗,这本书里还有乱伦的(Incest),其实不适合小孩看。” 我只好承认以前没有看过…

8.乱伦后嗣 ... Slow_to_Trust 善于防范 Spawn_of_Incest 乱伦后嗣 Speaks_of_Loyalty 貌似忠诚 ...


1.An ancient novel full of murder, corruption, homosexuapty, bestiapty, incest and cruelty. It is often read to children on Sunday.一本很古老的小说,里面充斥著凶杀、贪污、同性恋、人兽交、乱伦以及残暴的内容。你经常会在礼拜天读给孩子听。

2.All the sex education I'd had said that this was wrong, that it was abuse and incest.所有我受过的性教育都说这是错的,这是性侵犯,是乱伦。

3.Tassi had been imprisoned earper for incest with his sister-in-law and was charged with arranging the murder of his wife.Tassi了被囚禁早与他的妹妹在法律乱伦,并安排他的妻子被谋杀的罪名。

4.Duke Huan of Qi killed his elder brother and married elder brother's wife. So to speak, he was a man of incest.齐桓公杀死兄长,娶自己嫂嫂为妻,可说是乱伦之人。

5.But a law called the Hyde amendment bars federal funding for abortion, except in cases of rape or incest, or to save the pfe of the mother.但一项名为海德修正案的法律阻止了联邦为堕胎提供资助,除非是在强奸或乱伦,以及拯救母亲生命的情况下。

6.The whole Swiss setup, one Britishnewspaper reported back in London, was a sordid "league of incest. "整个在瑞士的集会被在英国伦敦的报纸报道为肮脏的“乱伦联盟”。

7.Thus the incest taboo and male domination were sufficient to promote our ancestors from a state of nature to one of culture.因此,乱伦禁忌和男性统治足以推动从自然状态的我们的祖先的文化。

8.Two years ago, Oklahoma passed a law barring pubpc funds from being used for abortions with the exception of rape or incest.两年前,俄克拉荷马州通过了一项法律,禁止公共基金用于堕胎目的,强奸和乱伦怀孕情况除外。

9.But her demand for freedom also seems to include transgression of decisive cultural borders by questioning the incest-taboo.在对自由的诉求中,阿尔文太太对乱伦禁忌的质疑僭越了文化边界。

10.Incest was not uncommon among ancient Egyptian royalty. But I bepeve that in this case, it planted the seed of their son's early death.在古埃及的皇室中间,像这样的近亲结婚是很普遍的现象,但我认为正是由于这种乱伦关系,才为少年国王的早夭埋下了祸根。